bogdankjastrzebski / UntitledLanguageProject

The official repository for the untitled language project.
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The official repository for the untitled language project.


Language Characteristics

The language is a compile-time computing language with different types of execution. It is both compiled and interpreted. It is an interpreter, that via macros and code generation can translate itself to LLVM, compile functions and later use. Because of that, we will be able to compile the interpreter itself.

Compile time "constants" are being assigned with the let keyword. During compilation, α they are assumed to be what they are. They are being inlined and assumed as constant. Yet, in fact they can change, which triggers recompilation.

The let keyword is primarily used to define procedures. It can be used to define standard values and macros. Examples:

let π 3.1415926535897

let fib(n)
   a: 1
   b: 0
   for _ in 0..n
      a, b: b, a+b
   return b

let show x
   str: String(x)
   return quote
      println($str, ": ", $x)

The syntax does not use the meaning of keywords. Quoted code is being parsed "as it is":


# translates to:
# (( __nl__ aaa) ( __nl__ foo ( __nl__ bar))

Each syntax rule translates to a unique structure, and the translation process is invertible.

foo(x) # translates to ( __call__ foo x) # translates to ( __dot__ foo bar) # translates to ( __call__ ( __dot__ foo bar) x) # from left to right

Implementation Plan

The implementation should be simple and based entirely on constant folding. It should work as an interpreter, that can call a compiler, produce executable, and later use the executable to produce results.

Function evaluation should be available in at least three modes:

Programmer chooses, which functions are interpreted, jit-compiled or compiled. For compiling functions, programmer has to choose a type, the function is being compiled for. The code can be compiled for structs or abstract types.

Compiling functions for abstract types should reduce efforts made during inference, but would allow to reduce compilation time, as less functions would be compiled. This also reduces memory needed to store a precompiled module.

Jit compiled functions would be an implementation, where an interpreter searches for compiled function, if it finds one, uses it, if not, compiles code and runs it, just like in julia.

Interpretation is the standard mode, and compilation / jit compilation are extra features.

The language is inherently type-less, which means, the data has to be used with functions designed for correct types to create correct results. Type is in fact only an extra identifier, that can be read by the interpreter during execution. Due to constant folding, when the interpretation is being compiled, types are not needed, as they are usually constant. Hence, via code optimization, all code checks are being compile-time computed, and unnecessary object structures are being dropped during compilation. For instance, consider the following code:

let foo(x)
   return 2*x + 3 

An integer is a tuple of object type and data, hence the function signature is as follows:

(type::Symbol: Int, data::Any) -> (type::Symbol: Int, data::Any)

During interpretation, the function creates such tuple firstly multiplying x by 2 and later adding 3. But because for x being an integer, the 2 times x always creates an integer, which is non excaping, it is being compile time computed, and removed, as it is not escaping and later never used. The interpreted function does the following:

# add_int_int: (int, int) -> int
# add_any_any: ((type, int), (type, int)) -> (type, int)

let add_any_any(a, b)
   if a[0] = Int and b[0] = Int # The language does not have out of the box polymorphism.
      return (Int, add_int_int(a, b)) # Here we have to create a tuple! 

let mul_any_any(a, b)

add_any_any(mul_any_any(x, 2), 3)

while compiled function, due to constant folding does this:

add_int_int(mul_int_int(x, 2), 3)


The programmer is responsible for what he want to compile. The compilation does specialization always and based on all compile-time constants and assumptions. We already know, that the programmer defines compile-time constants with the let keyword.

Functional Programming

The language is not primarily functional, however, functions are useful abstraction for mathematics. We have:

However, the functions can be analysed e.g. we can exctract functions from composition $f \circ g$ etc. Functions are with math in mind, taking gradients etc. not necessarily for functional programming style.

Mathy stuff

Gradients are derivatives. A derivative is a function, that returns something for an argument. Instread of pullback functions, we rather create abstract gradient value, that can be multiplied with other things and pullback is a multiplication for this type.

For instance, mapping one function on a vector has a diagonal jacobian. We do not want to create a full matrix jacobian, but we do not want pullback either. So we return a diagonal matrix. And the diagonal matrix is smaller than a full matrix, and also multiplying matrix by it is optimised.

Memory Allocation

Compile time malloc


2nd Version

Types are useful for at laest two reasons:

More generally, based on compile time knowledge, we can precompute things.

The pragmatic problem is as follows: How to decide, what to do at compile time, and what at inference? Maybe the programmer should decide. How we could do that?

foo : i32? -> i32? 
      f32? -> f32?
foo(x) = x + x

bar(x) = y : str?(x) -> str?(y) and length(y)=2*length(x)
bar(x) = x + x

Above we introduce simple scheme, where for a function definition, we also say, what it should be always able to prove.

For instance, not knowing what is the length of bar(bar(x)), we simply compute $22len(x)$, and we have the answer. We explicitly ask it to keep track of the information about something's length.

This scheme aligns with type theory, where we want to be able to prove output type from the input type. We, however, want more. We want to keep track of different things than just a type.

3rd version

There is also an idea, to let it precompute everything it can. The compiler can destroy structs, to keep track only of the things, that change with the input.

let add_str_str(x, y)
    ret : (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (x.length + y.length))
    strcpy!(ret, x.value)
    strcpy!(ret + x.length, y.value)
    return str{ret, x.length + y.length}

let add(x, y)
    if x isa str and y isa str
        return add_str_str(x, y)        

let foo(x)
    return x + x

# str is a struct { char* value; int length }

foo(str{ NA, 10 }) -> str{NA, 10} + str{NA, 10} -> {
    ret : (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 20)
    strcpy!(ret, NA)
    strcpy!(ret + 10, NA)
    return str{ret, 20} 
} -> str{ {ret : ... ; strcpy! ... ; ...; return ret} , 20}  

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