bogenpirat / MMM-WetterOnline

MagicMirror module to display weather data from WetterOnline
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 3 forks source link


This is a module for MagicMirror². It displays weather data for weather stations operated by WetterOnline.


Install the module

Go to modules folder

cd modules/

Clone this module from Github

git clone

After adding this module to your config (see below) restart your MagicMirror.

Update the module

Go to modules folder

cd modules/MMM-WetterOnline

Pull changes from Github

git pull

Pulling changes should always work. If not, try to reset your module with git reset --hard before pulling new changes.

Using the module

To use this module, add the following configuration block to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

    modules: [
            module: 'MMM-WetterOnline',
            position: "top_right",
            config: {
                city: "berlin",
                daysTrend: "3"
                // See below for for more configurable options

Configuration options

All options are optional so the module works out of the box.

Option Description
city Weather station string for data. This derives from the URL from that displays your trend data. Ideally, you should go to WetterOnline, search for your city (or use geolocation) and then copy the relevant bit out of the resulting url, e.g. reykjavik from

Type: String
Default: new-york
width Width of the displayed module data.

Type: HTML width attribute
Default: 400px
daysTrend Amount of upcoming days to display in the weather trend. This goes up to 16, where the first is the current day, the second is tomorrow and so on.

Type: Number
Default: 4
updateIntervalMins Time to wait before refreshing weather data in minutes.

Type: Number
Default: 5
userAgent User-Agent to use for requests to the site. Mobile UAs will not work.

Type: String
Default: see MMM-WetterOnline.js

Developer notes

This was written by a node/MM first timer. Expect ugly design choices, terrible use of JavaScript/CSS and feel free to create pull requests with improvements.

License: GPL-3.0