bohning / usdb_syncer

MIT License
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USDB Syncer

Code style: black Imports: isort License: MIT Release tox

USDB Syncer is an app to download and synchronize UltraStar songs hosted on USDB. The project extensively uses the #VIDEO tag to automaticly retrieve the resources (audio, video, images, etc...) to make the UltraStar song complete. Once a song is downloaded it can be synchronized (new notes, audio, video, images...) by redownloading the song. If a resource didn't change it's skipped.

Linux Distributions

Linux Build are generated on Ubuntu:latest, should run on Ubuntu >=23.04

known requirements:

confirmed support:



USDB Syncer is written in Python. The following explains how to set up a development environment. A Python 3.11 installation is assumed.

Python Setup

requires Pipenv package (also ensure it is added to your system's PATH)

# Windows
python -m pip install pipenv --user
# MacOs
brew install pipenv
# Linux
apt install python3-pip
pip install --user pipenv

additionally requires extra packages when developing on Linux

apt install -y gcc python3-dev libdbus-1-dev
pkg-config --cflags --libs dbus-1

tox makes it easy to run the full CI pipeline on your local machine, i.e., if the pipeline passes on your machine there is a good chance it will also pass on the build server. The minimal setup to develop your package is to create a virtual environment and install the package and its runtime requirements:

pipenv sync --dev
# activate venv
pipenv shell

Run usdb_syncer

The package has a defined entry point for the GUI. Simply type in usdb_syncer in your terminal. Make sure that your venv is activated.

Run tests

Run tox to execute the test pipeline. The tox pipelines are configured in the tox.ini file. Configurations for specific tools in the pipeline are maintained in the pyproject.toml file. Tox is configured to create its own virtual environments, install test dependencies and the package you are developing, and run all tests. If you changed the test requirements or want to perform a clean run for some reason, you can run tox -r to recreate tox's virtual environment.

The following tools are part of the test pipeline:

If you don’t want to run the whole test pipeline, you can also use single commands from the pipeline, e.g., pytest. The tools will automatically pick up the correct configuration from the pyproject.toml file.


USDB Syncer uses semantic versioning (semver) as versioning scheme. However, since USDB Syncer is not a library/API but a user-facing application, we use MAJOR, MINOR and PATCH versions according to the following scheme:

We will try to avoid MAJOR version increments whenever possible, but since the project is still in the startup phase, they cannot be completely ruled out.
