GreenCommunity is an app that is developed using Kotlin and Android Studio. It is an assignment for the KAPK module at the OTH Regensburg.
The purpose of this app is, to give neighborhoods the ability to share their homegrown produce, that for exmaple has been grown in somebodys garden.
Users can sign-up for the app by using an email and a passwort (basic input). The Authentification process is done by using Firebase Authentification. This means all the user accounts will be saved in a Firebase Authentification database.
Users also have the chance to add additional information to their account. This includes adding a username and a profile picture. This data is also saved in the same database as the other creditentials for the account.
After a successful sign-up the user will be automatically signed-in and can start using the application.
One of the Features includes creating ads and posting them. An ad can include a photo, a title, a description and a price (or is FREE). This data is stored on a Realtime Database from Firebase. Each post also saves the User UID (= the User ID from the Authentification Database) from the currently signed-in user, in order to be able to know which ad was created by whom. In addition to that, the location from the device will also be saved. This is important to, later only display the ads in a e.g. a 5km range.
To get the location from the device, the Google API is used. This location gets automatically saved to a new ad when it is created. When the app is used for the first time, the user will get asked for permission to give the location services to the app. If the location services have not been turned on in the device, then the user will be redirected to the location settings.
The following topics will be covered in the following part:
For the app a minimum SDK of 30 is set. The target SDK is set to 32. This means Android phones running Android 29 and lower won't be able to open this app.
For the testing purposes of the application an Emulator in Android Studio was used. This was a Pixel 4 running Android 31.
During the course of developing this app other Emulators running Android 30 and Android 32 were also tested, both were Pixel devices.
After starting the application, the user will be promted with the HomeActivity. The user can press the button in the middle of the screen. If no user is logged in, then this Activity will redirect the user to another Activity where they can decide wheather they want to login (Account already exits) or want to sign-up for this app.
In Addition to that, users can use the NavigationDrawer on the top left to navigate the app as well.
The sign-up process involves entering data, that will be stored in a Firebase Authentification database.
This includes:
The ones marked with * are necessary to successfully sign up. If the user doesn't provide the necessary information, then Error Messages will appear on the corresponding fields.
If the user already has an account, then he can simply login using the E-Mail and password.
Either way, the user will get redirected to the HomeActivity again after a successful login or sign-up.
One of the main features that the user can use is to look for ads in their area. The user just has to press the "Explore ads in your area" on the HomeActivity to start looking for ads that are in a 5km/10km radius to their current location.
The distance can be chosen through a NumberPicker, that is located above the button.
Another major feature of this app, is posting ads. Logged-in users can create new ads, by pressing the plus icon on the top-right in the AdListActivity.
To create a new ad the user has to provide a bit of information.
This includes:
The ones marked with * are necessary to successfully post an ad.
If the necessary
Keep in mind, that the price and free checkbox don't have to be both clicked or supplied. Only one of them is necessary. For example, if the free checkbox is checked, the price will be automatically set to 0.0€.
Users can edit their already posted ads. First they need to navigate to in the Navigation Drawer to the "Your ads" option, to see a list of their ads. By clicking on one of these ads, another activity is started where changes can be made and saved.
All the data can be changed.
This includes:
Ads can also be deleted here, by clicking the delete button on the top-right of this activity.
In this section, a brief overview of all the activties can be found with a major focus of their design.
This is the current design of the HomeActivity:
<img src="images/HomeActivity.png" alt="HomeActivity" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
The Homeactivity consist of two major functionality. First of all, the user can choose a distance. Either 5k or 10km. This distance is important for the ads that will be displayed. All of them will have to be in a < distance range, to the current Location of the user. In addition to that, the "Explore ads in your area" button in the middle of the screen redirects the user to the AdListActivity, if a user is logged-in, or to the LoginOrSignUpActivity, if no user is logged-in yet.
In the HomeActivity the user can also use the Navigation Drawer on the top-left. The Navigation Drawer will be further explained here: Navigation Drawer.
This is the current desing of the LoginOrSignUpActivity:
<img src="images/LoginOrSignUpActivity.png" alt="LoginOrSignUpActivity" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
In this the activity, the user is notified of not being signed-in and then gets presented with two buttons. One to sign-up and one to login. This depends on what the user needs. For example, if an user already has an account, then the login button should be used. This will redirect the user to the LoginActivity. If the user doesn't have an account yet, then they should use the sign-up button. This will redirect them to the SignUpActivity.
Both of those activities will be further explained in the following.
This is the current design of the LoginActivity:
<img src="images//LoginActivity.png" alt="LoginActivity" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
In the LoginActivity only two EditText components are displayed. One for the E-Mail and one for the password. If the creditentials match with the Firebase Authentification Databse the user will be logged-in, a Toast message will be shown to display the success and the user gets redirected to the HomeActivity.
If the users credidentials don't match the user will not be logged in and an ErrorText will be displayed at the top. The user will not be redirected. Therefore, they can try to login again, using the same activity.
If the fields are not filled out, then an error message will be shown on the corresponding EditText object.
This is the current design of the SignUpActivity:
<img src="images//SignUpActivity.png" alt="SignUpActivity" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
In the SignUpActivity are various components displayed. First there are four EditTexts, which can be used by the user to input their data. These four include the username, the e-mail and twice the password.
In addition to that, the user can add an image to their profile. This can be done by pressing the add image button. When this button is pressed the user will be redirected to their photos and can select an image that they would like to upload to their account.
If they choose to not upload an image, then a default image, which can also be seen on the screenshot, will be used instead.
After entering the needed information, the user can press the sign-up button at the bottom to create an account. The information provided by the user gets stored in the Firebase Authentification Database.
After the successful sign-up the user gets redirected to the HomeActivity and is logged-in with their just created account.
If the user doesn't fill out the necessary fields, then error messages will be displayed on the corresponding EditText objects. Furthermore, the password checks wheather the password has a length > 6 and if the two passwords match.
This is the current design of the AdListActivity:
<img src="images/AdListActivity.png" alt="AdListActivity" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
The AdListActivity displays all the ads that are in a 5km/10km radius of the current Location of the device. The RecyclerView shows the ads in a CardView. Each ad is displayed with an image, the title of the ad (in bold) and the price, if the ad is not free. If the ad has the Checkbox isFree checked, then the Card will show "FREE".
From here the user can select any of the ads that are displayed to open the AdActivity (with the parcel ad_view). This activity will be in the next chapter.
Furthermore, the user can also create new ads by pressing the + icon in the top-right corner. This also redirects the user to the AdActivity with no parcel.
Parcls that exist:
This is the current design of the AdActivity, if no Parcel is sent:
<img src="images/AdActivity_noParcel.png" alt="AdActivity with no Parcel" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
If no parcel has been sent, then a new ad is being created.
A new ad can contain the following information:
The ones marked with * are needed in order to be able to post the ad.
When the user presses the add image button, they will be redirected to their photos on their device. This is done by using an ImagePicker.
When the Checkbox isFree is checked, the price will automatically be set to 0.0 and the EditText will not be clickable anymore.
If the CheckBox is not checked, but the user still enters a price of 0, then the Checkbox will be automatically checked, when the ad is posted.
If the necessary information is not filled out, then error Messages will be displayed on the corresponding fields.
This is the current design of the AdActivity, if the ad_view Parcel is being send:
<img src="images/AdActivity_viewParcel.png" alt="AdActivity with view Parcel" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
The ad_view Parcel is being sent from the AdListActivity, when an ad is clicked on the RecyclerView. This parcel makes sure, that the user can only view the ad and not edit it.
This is the current design of the AdActivity, if the ad_view Parcel is being send:
<img src="images/AdActivity_editParcel.png" alt="AdActivity with edit Parcel" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
The ad_edit Parcel is being sent from the UserAdsActivity (this activity will be explained in the following chapter), when an ad is clicked on the RecyclerView. This parcel makes sure, that the user, that has created this ad, is able to make changes.
In addition to that, the user can also decide to delete this ad. This can be achieved by clicking on the delete button on the top-right. This then removes the saved data under this key from the Firebase Realtime Database.
This is the current design of the UserAdsActivity:
<img src="images/UserAdsActivity.png" alt="UserAdsActivity" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
This activity only display ads that have been created by the currently logged-in user. This is done by saving the userID (from the Firebase Authentification Databse) with each ad in the Firebase Realtime Database.
To correctly fill the RecyclerView, the list that is handed over to the Adapter is changed accordingly. It takes the current snapshot from the Realtime Database and if the userID of the stored ad does not match the current user's userID, then this ad is not added to the list.
This is the current design of the ProfileActivity:
<img src="images/ProfileActivity.png" alt="ProfileActivity" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
The ProfileActivity displays the currently logged-in user's information that has been saved with the creation of the account. The user can also make changes to their account here.
Possible changes:
So far only those two aspects can be changed. The changes are then adjusted in the Firebase Authentification Database as well.
If the username field is not filled out, an error message will be shown on the corresponding EditText object.
In the future it would make sense to add the feature to change the creditentials (email, password) as well.
For navigation purposes a Navigation Drawer is implemented.
Visible on the following activities:
This is the current design of the Navigation Drawer:
<img src="images/NavigationDrawer.png" alt="NavigationDrawer" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
The NavDrawer can be opened through swiping from left to right on the screen or by clicking the Burger symbol on the top-left.
The NavDrawer includes the following items:
If the user is for example already on the HomeActivity but selects the Home item, nothing will happen. This is done for each activity in the same manner.
For the storage of data Firebase was used. As mentioned throughout this file, currently two databases are used. The Authentification DB and the Realtime DB.
The Authentification DB stores all the active accounts. They can also be manually deleted again from the system, but only by using the Firebase console.
The Realtime DB stores all the ads that have been posted to the system.
This shows an example of how the DB is strucutred. The key for each post is a randomly generated key by Firebase. This key is then also saved in the ad itself, to later used it to find the post for a specific ad.
<img src="images/RealtimeDB_structure.png" alt="NavigationDrawer" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
In this section only a small amount of the actual code is displayed. But it will give a small overview of what was used in the development of this app.
It will focus on the code that uses the Firebase API.
To add the Firebase to the project, the following guide was used:
Following variable is needed:
private lateinit var auth: FirebaseAuth
auth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance()
Sign-Up Process:
auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, binding.password.text.toString()).addOnCompleteListener(this, OnCompleteListener { task ->
if(img != null){
Toast.makeText(this, "Successfully Registered", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
val intent = Intent(this@SignUpActivity,
}else {
The createUserWithEMailAndPassword method creates a new user in the Authentification DB. Since I used this way of authentification, the profile picutre and username are normally not added to the account. They have to be added manually.
This is done by the two methods:
both of these methods call the updateProfile method that adjusts the user account.
Example: addUsername()
private fun addUsername(){
if(auth.currentUser != null){
val profileUpdates = userProfileChangeRequest {
displayName = binding.username.text.toString()
.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
if(task.isSuccessful) {
i("Username has been updated")
Login Process
auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(, binding.password.text.toString()).addOnCompleteListener(this, OnCompleteListener { task ->
Toast.makeText(this, "Successfully Logged In", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
val intent = Intent(this@LoginActivity,
binding.errorText.text = "Email or password incorrect"
binding.errorText.visibility = View.VISIBLE
The login is done by using the signInWithEmailAndPassword method. This compares the ceditentials that have been entered with the Authentification DB. If a user is found, that matches the information, then they will be logged-in. Otherwise an error text will be displayed.
Logout Process
To logout the current user, the signOut method has to be called on FirebaseAuth object.
To access the Realtime DB a DatabaseReference is needed
private lateinit var database : DatabaseReference
database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance("url to database").getReference("posts")
Pushing ads
For the method below I used the following guide:
private fun writeNewAd(){
key = database.push().key ?: "" = key
var newAd = AdModel(, ad.title, ad.description, ad.price, ad.longitude, ad.latitude, ad.isFree, ad.adImg,
First of all this methos gets a push key from Firebase. This is important since the ad needs to store this information. Therefore, the is set to the just generated key.
The whole ad then gets pushed to the Realtime DB under the key that has been created in the beginning.
Updating ads
private fun updateAd(){
val updatedAd = AdModel(, ad.title, ad.description, ad.price, ad.longitude, ad.latitude, ad.isFree, ad.adImg,
key =
To update an ad, the push key is needed again. Through this key, which is stored in the the ad can be found.
Currently, the updateAd method overrides the whole ad again.
Deleting ads
private fun deleteAd() {
key =
To delete an ad, the push key is needed once again. Through this key, the selected ad can be found in the Realtime DB and then removed through the removeValue method.
To receive the current Location from the user, I used the Google API. In this section, I will explain a bit of the code, that I used for this feature.
Following variable is needed:
private lateinit mFusedLocationClient : FusedLocationProviderClient
mFusedLocationClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this)
private fun getLastLocation(){
mFusedLocationClient.lastLocation.addOnCompleteListener(this) { task ->
val location: Location? = task.result
if(location == null){
Toast.makeText(this, "Location could not be received", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
this.location = location
Toast.makeText(this, "Turn on location", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
val intent = Intent(Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS)
This is the main method that is used in order to get the Location. The first thing it does, is check the Permissions. This is done with the following method.
The @SuppressLint("MissingPermission") is added, because otherwise Android Studio wants to add a permission check before mFusedLocationClient can access the last location. But this permission check is done in the following method and therefore not needed twice.
private fun checkPermissions(): Boolean {
if(ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
&& ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED){
return true
return false
This method checks, wheather both of these permissions have been granted or not.
After this check, the getLastLocation method, will check if the Location services are enabled on the device. This is done in the following method.
private fun isLocationEnabled() : Boolean {
val locationManager : LocationManager = getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as
return locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER) ||
When both of these checks return true, the mFusedLocationClient will get the last Location from the device. After it has been successfully aquired, this location will be set to variable of the same name.
The GreenCommunity App comes with a build in dark mode. The app adjust according to the system settings from the device. If the device has dark mode enabled, then the app will also be displayed in dark mode.
Here are some pictures from the dark mode, to give an impression on how it looks:
The dark HomeActivity:
<img src="images/HomeActivity_dark.png" alt="HomeActivity in dark mode" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
As you can see the colors were adjusted to a dark grey as the background color and a lighter grey for the buttons and toolbar. The text color has been adjusted to white.
Furthermore, the background image of the HomeActivity is also different. It now displays a world that is dark and has the lights on.
The dark AdListActivity:
<img src="images/AdListActivity_dark.png" alt="AdListActivity in dark mode" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
As of right now, no messenger has been implemented. But it is planned to do so using Firebase once again. The following guide will be used for this:
The current problem is, that another Realtime Database would be needed in order to implement this feature. But in the Spark plan (free) from Firebase, only one Realtime DB can be created. Therefore, I made the decision to not implement a messenger.
As of right now, no tests have been implemented. But is planned to do so using the following guide:
Tests should be implemented in the future, but are not part of this assignment.
All references of guides or stackOverflow posts can be found in the Code documentation (KDoc) of this project. But some of them will also be listed in this file. Fore more information about the links, like when they were last accessed please refer to documentation.
For the writeNewAd() method from the AdActivity the following guide was used:
For the deleteAd() method from the AdActivity I used the official Firebase documentation -> delete data
For all the methods, that I used in order to get the current Location of the device I followed the following guide:
In the AdListActivity I used an answer from stackoverflow to get a current Snapshot of my Realtime Database and add them to a list, that I can pass to the RecyclerView. I made small adjustments to the code presented in the link. For example, I only want ads to be added to the list, that are in a certain radius around the current location of the device.
To set the Title for the toolbar, I added strings to the strings.xml file. To get those strings in the code of an activity I used the following stackoverflow post:
To achieve a login and signup through Firebase Authentification, I used the following blog post: [section: Login a user with email and password]
To add the CardView to my AdListActivity, I used the following guide:
For the addTextChangedListener in the ProfileActivity, I used the following guide:
To display errors in the EditTexts, I uesed the following StackOverflow post:
For the implementation of a Navigation Drawer, I used the following guide:
For the plant in the logo of the app and also in the default profile / ad picture I used the following Vector:
To check the contrast ratio of my design, I used the following website:
To change the color of the Navigation Drawer Buger, I used the following StackOverflow post:
I used the following guide to implement a dark theme:
The background image (dark and light) was created by me using GIMP