Getting started
Overview: the machine learning process
Pytorch & other tools, installation
Project: Fashion MNIST
What's a tensor?
Operations on tensors
Tensor calculus
Project: Images
Differential calculus
Derivative, partial derivative
Gradient, Jacobian Matrix,
Differential, Chain rule
higher order differential calculus
Differentiable programming:
Automatic differentiation
Computation graph
Forward/backward differentiation
In Pytorch
Tensor, Variable, Function
Project: Hamiltonian mechanics (?)
Torch optimizers
Project: Quadratic function / Rosenbrock function / Map (?)
Tables & pandas
... (structure & formats & tools "in the wild"?)
Machine learning
Linear models
Logistic regression
Neural networks
📖 🇫🇷 Calcul Différentiel, Intégrale et Stochastique by Sébastien Boisgérault, Thomas Romary, Emilie Chautru et Pauline Bernard.
📖 🇺🇸 Elements of Differentiable Programming by Mathieu Blondel and Vincent Roulet.
📖 🇺🇸 The Little Book of Deep Learning by François Fleuret.
📖 🇺🇸 Learning Theory from First Principles by Francis Bach.
📖 🇺🇸 Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib by Nicolas Rougier.