bollu / simplexhc-cpp

optimising compiler for Haskell's intermediate representation (STG) to LLVM IR
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Simplexhc is a compiler for a lazy functional programming language similar to STG (Spineless, Tagless, G-machine, which is an intermediate representation used by the Glasgow Haskell compiler (hence "hc" = "haskell compiler"). simplex so it is vaguely related to polyhedral compilation, and because simplicies are cool (as are simplicial complexes).


The aim of this project is to have a fully functioning backend for GHC that takes STG straight to LLVM.

Bonus point if I can steal ideas from polyhedral compilation. I'd like to model the sum & product types in STG as spaces, perhaps modeled with integer polyhedra, so I can reuse the machinery of isl. This doesn't really work, since isl needs affine maps, and I don't think there's a reasonable interpretation of "affine" that works to analyse parallelism for lazy languages.

Some of the ideas related to this moonshot project are written down in my repo: bollu/dependence-analysis-hask


Minimum viable


Relationship to the other simplechc repo.

This is a rewrite of simplexhc in C++, simply because I am much more comfortable doing compiler related things in C++.

simplexhc was written in Haskell. However, as time progressed, I found that Haskell was an impediment to my joy coding (in this project, I usually love the language). Perhaps I don't really know how to "think functional" for mostly mutable problems: graphs, state-based code generation, etc.

I don't believe this is a shortcoming of Haskell. Rather, this is a sign of my immaturity when it comes to Haskell design patterns.

To fix holes in my knowledge, I have been reading through the Futhark source code, which is an optimising compiler written in Haskell. It is extremely well written, and I wish I could design Haskell programs as well as they can.

Either way, as soon as I switched to C++, I felt much happier with coding this in my hobby time. I've been procrastinating on simplexhc due to my fear of returning to the codebase with spaghetti code such as this.

Perhaps it is just me, but I find that code very unclear to read. I do not know how to convey intent with Haskell. I would love for pointers to other haskell compilers that are cleanly designed, so I can learn.

Current optimisations planned

Autocompletion / tooling

I use vim with YouCompleteMe. To enable this, setup YouCompleteMe with the clang plugin. To generate autocomplete information, invoke:

$ cmake /path/to/simplexhc-cpp -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
$ cp compile_commands.json /path/to/simplexhc/cpp

The compile_commands.json file contains autocomplete information.
