boncey / ruby-podcast

simple library and command line utility for creating podcast files from a directory of mp3 files
23 stars 19 forks source link

Podcast is a simple library and command line utility for creating podcast files from a directory of mp3 files.

Podcast will examine mp3s, extract metadata from ID3 tags, and build an RSS file which can then be used by podcast clients to download the mp3s.

To install ruby-podcast

gem install ruby-podcast


Once you've installed it you should have a command line utility you can run on a directory of mp3 files:

% podcast --dir my/mp3/dir --out podcast.rss --title "Title" --description "Description" --link http://mypodcastserver/

Please note

This used to be hosted at However, that version no longer works with newer versions of Ruby.

I, boncey, have fixed it and created a new project at