bongochong / CombinedPrivacyBlockLists

Ad-blocking hosts files, IP block lists, PAC filters, ABP / uBO / ADG subscriptions, and a whole lot more. All merged from multiple reputable sources, combined with my own research. Also, script-based utilities to help you create such things yourself. Updated at least once every two weeks, often more frequently.
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ad-blocking ancient-truths bash bittorrent blocklists bromite cygwin dns file-sharing foss freedom gnu hosts linux mac p2p pihole privacy security shell-scripting

Combined Privacy Block Lists

Ad & malware-blocking hosts files, IP block lists, PAC filters, ABP / uBO / ADG subscriptions and more, all compiled from multiple reputable sources, along with my own research. The generation of these lists is automated via my homemade scripts and utilities, which are available in a subdirectory of this repository and regularly updated to reflect backend improvements. Said utilities can be installed with a simple script or one-liner, for ease of use. Most content in this repo is approved by Richard Stallman himself (theoretically). Use as you see fit, but do continue reading.

ABP ǁ DNSMasq ǁ Domains ǁ Wildcards ǁ Bromite ǁ PAC
Standard Hosts ǁ Windows Hosts ǁ Domains
IP Addresses & Ranges
CIDR ǁ IPFilter (DAT) ǁ IPFilter (P2P)

My lists block malicious and harmfully deceptive content, like advertising, tracking, telemetry, scams, and malware. The lists do not block porn, social media, or so-called "fake news" sites, except for the advertising, tracking, telemetry, scam, and malware servers associated with them. False positives and invalid entries are rigorously removed from all lists, and those which contain domains (like hosts files) are processed by an IDN-to-Punycode conversion routine, meaning that they can be utilized on all operating systems. In short, these block lists are both comprehensive and universally compatible, while remaining reasonable in size + scope, and free of censorship. If you find yourself in need of slimmer or somewhat less aggressive lists, I generate Mini or Light variants with every update.

Updates to the lists usually occur every two weeks, but often more frequently. If there is a wave of rapid updates in a single day, this means that there are significant improvements under way. Please consider donating to the project if you find it useful. It should also be noted that my lists are not just relevant to those living in English-speaking countries, as I make efforts to block a good amount of malicious "international" content as well. Additionally, I would like to point out that I manually review updates before making final commits, as I rely on this data myself. Some of my work is included OOTB or as an option in the wonderful AdBlock Plus, ReThink DNS, Blokada, and DNSWarden projects, along with adblock + simple-adblock for OpenWrt, all of which offer important utilities that enable users to block undesirable content across a wide variety of platforms.

Descriptions (mind the footnotes)

Please feel free to subscribe to or use these lists as is. I use them on all of my personal devices. The aforementioned lists also fall under a separate license, the WTFPL.

Finally, the user-friendly versions of the scripts and utilities that I use to generate these lists, can be set up in one shot by following the instructions here.

They include the following:

These tools are modified versions of the ones I run on my GNU/Linux boxes. I test them regularly. Some of them have dependencies, so make sure you inspect their respective readme files, and that your system has the relevant programs if you plan on using my tools. The GNU/Linux scripts should work on OS X or BSD, so long as dependencies are met. There are editions for Cygwin as well. All of my tools clean up after themselves, leaving no extraneous or intermediary files behind.

If you're a Windows user who is not comfortable with Cygwin, then you may be interested in My CWP Utilities Repository, which contains simplified Windows ports of the utilities listed above, compatible with both 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows. They are friendlier versions of my GNU/Linux tools, bundled with the necessary dependencies, distributed with an integrated, easy-to-use, and coherent interface.

Notice: Due to resource considerations, I may have to re-initialize this repository without a commit history at some point. 7+ years of commits (this repo was initialized in 2017) make for one huge .git directory, and re-basing + pruning + garbage collection has only done so much. Everything important will always be here, but don't be surprised if you arrive here one day and only see two or three commits in the logs. This started as a purely personal project, and an attempt to replicate the functionality of some very useful software titles, but in the form of bash scripts. It has grown into a good deal more than that, and I am very pleased that others find my efforts useful.

GNU Terry Pratchett | Carpentry Get Truth | A.M.K.

01. MVPS Hosts.
02. PGL Yoyo Hosts.
03. Updated Malware Domains Immortal List.
04. URL Haus Active Domains.
05. EasyList Hosts.
06. Additional | Supplementary | Sources.
07. AdGuard Filters.
08. EasyList Filters.
09. Proxy Auto-Configuration Files.
10. Halite.
11. qBitTorrent.
12. Transmission.
13. PGL Yoyo PeerBlock.
14. Lists.
15. FeodoTracker Abuse.
16. Emerging Threats.
17. DShield Lists.
18. SpamHaus Lists.
19. Cymru Bogon Reference.