This documentation covers the client side of Bookio which is completely written in JavaScript and HTML. It uses jQuery along with jQuery Mobile. RequireJS is also used for modularity.
To get a quick understanding of how the client software works from a user perspective, check out this wiki-page.
To see how the service is going to be presented to the customer, see this mockup.
To see the background and idea behind the project, see this web-page.
Build a cloud based reservation system with the following goals:
Roadmap for first public release can be found here.
Read the description and roadmap above to get an understanding of what we are building.
Issues (under Client or Server) tagged with Todo is up for grabs. Take one and start coding.
Do you speak another language than swedish, english or hungarian? Add another language!
Add your GUI/UX wisdome to the sketches here:
Add your CS/syntax skills here:
Read the Project Goal and come up with new ideas or cool concepts.
Feel free to add comments/improvements/suggestions.
Try to find bugs in the client (
Write test scripts.
Check texts and layout on different Browsers (we only support the latest versions of all browsers)
The directory structure is as follows
Upcoming functionality is found under Issues and Milestones (check both client and server).
Issues tagged todo is up for grabs, just start coding. Milestones are larger 'chunks' that should be done in a near future. For now they need ideas, feedback and discussion for best approach.
Sketches and drafts on GUI can be found on Cacoo.
Since this is a jQuery Mobile app, everything is pages. Below is the code for a typical page.
(function() {
// Specify dependencies. In this case the language file
// and some css.
var dependencies = [
define(dependencies, function(i18n) {
function Module(page) {
var _page = page;
var _elements = {};
function init() {
// Translate the page by looking up all
// elements with the 'data-i18n' attribute set.
// Hook up all elements tagged with 'data-id' attribute
// so we may reference them by '_elements.myelement'
_page.hookup(_elements, 'data-id');
$(document).delegate("#login-page", "pageinit", function(event) {
// Create a new instance of the module when the page is loaded into the DOM.
new Module($(event.currentTarget));
To display the page use:
Or, if you want to push a page into view with a transition:
This will automatically load the login.js file in the same directory and start executing the code above. All paths are relative to the current page beeing displayed.
Even though the makefile compiles the LESS files, it might be convinient to install for OSX. It automatically compiles the LESS files in the background when modified. Another alternative is CodeKit.
To add a new language to the client, check out this documentation.