boostorg / mysql

MySQL C++ client based on Boost.Asio
Boost Software License 1.0
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connection_pool with thread_safe doesn't protect if CompletionToken has a bound executor #268

Open Chrys4lisfag opened 2 months ago

Chrys4lisfag commented 2 months ago

Is it safe to run mysql operation when using thread pool within another io context?

Currently I run all operation within my main iocontext which is separate from mysql ctx and I get unhandled exceptions quite often.

Judging by the exception (access violation) address it is somewhere here. Which looks like thread safety issue happening between .empty() and .front() operations.

My mysql setup ctx.

boost::asio::thread_pool mysql_pool( 4 );
auto shared_state = std::make_shared<boost::mysql::connection_pool>(
    boost::mysql::pool_executor_params::thread_safe( mysql_pool.get_executor() ),
    std::move( mysql_pool_config )

shared_state->async_run( boost::asio::detached );

// main ioctx used by the server itself running on some threads
boost::asio::io_context io_context;
anarthal commented 2 months ago

The intent is that what you are trying should be safe, but I think there is a problem in the code when the completion token you pass to async_get_connection has a bound executor. Could you please post how are you calling async_get_connection?

On the other hand, what's the use case behind using a separate thread pool for the MySQL connection pool? There's a high chance that using separate thread pools will make your code less efficient. connection_pool doesn't perform any blocking operations, so it doesn't require dedicated threads (it's all async calls in the inside).

Chrys4lisfag commented 2 months ago

I understand that it has no sense in separating them. It has been done as a temp solution to test out if things are working correctly after switching to internal pools.

The method is called from the server listener ctx

boost::asio::awaitable<bool> session_db_remote::contains( const std::string& string )
        auto con = co_await _pool->async_get_connection( boost::asio::use_awaitable );
        const auto find_sql = boost::mysql::format_sql( con->format_opts().value(),
                        "SELECT 1 FROM backups WHERE access_token = {}",
            string );

        boost::mysql::results result;
        co_await con->async_execute( find_sql, result, boost::asio::use_awaitable );

        co_return !result.rows().empty();
    MYSQL_CATCH_BLOCK_ASYNC( "db::contains" )
Chrys4lisfag commented 2 months ago

Moved to a single context. Will try running under the debugger if any unhandled exception occurs.

anarthal commented 2 months ago

That confirms my theory. For reference, the problem is:

You should be fine if:

I don't know if there is a portable way to fix this to make it work in the general case (asio::post behavior is non-obvious even for me). We should, ideally, fix it. Otherwise, document this, as it's non-obvious behavior.

Please let me know if you find more trouble or have any other questions.

Chrys4lisfag commented 2 months ago

No more issues in a single context as expected. Not sure whether you should tag this behavior as a bug, as it is actually very logical behavior.

Maybe just add a "Thread Safety" article in the README specifying that you must either use a single context or use the pool executor for MySQL operations.