boostorg / mysql

MySQL C++ client based on Boost.Asio
Boost Software License 1.0
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asio async cpp cpp11 mysql ssl


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Boost.MySQL is a C++11 client for MySQL and MariaDB database servers, based on Boost.Asio. Boost.MySQL is part of Boost.

Breaking changes in Boost 1.85

Boost.MySQL now requires linking with Boost.Charconv, which is a compiled library. If you're getting link errors, link your executable to the Boost::charconv CMake target. No C++ code changes are required.


Do you have any suggestion? Would you like to share a bad or good experience while using the library? Please comment on this issue.

Why another MySQL C++ client?

Using the library

To use this library, you need:

The library is header-only, but it depends on other Boost header-only libraries and on OpenSSL. To use the library, install Boost the way you would normally do (e.g. via b2 install), and create a CMakeLists.txt like this (replace main by your executable name and main.cpp by your list of source files):

project(boost_mysql_example LANGUAGES CXX)

find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS charconv)
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)

add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE Boost::charconv Threads::Threads OpenSSL::Crypto OpenSSL::SSL)

Tested with

Boost.MySQL has been tested with the following compilers:

And with the following databases:
