boostorg / mysql

MySQL C++ client based on Boost.Asio
Boost Software License 1.0
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ERROR An operation controlled by Boost.MySQL timed out #272

Closed jphz closed 1 month ago

jphz commented 1 month ago

I have encountered this problem, how can I make it work properly.

jphz commented 1 month ago

Appears when querying a large amount of data.

jphz commented 1 month ago

   boost::mysql::pooled_connection connection;
   while (true) {
       connection = _gameDB->async_get_connection(yield[ec]);
       if (!ec) {
Is there any other way to solve it?
anarthal commented 1 month ago

This means that the connection pool has reached its upper limit and all connections are now in use. You can solve this in two ways:

If you post a code snippet with more info, I can provide some help on the second point.

jphz commented 1 month ago
    boost::asio::spawn(_threadPool, [this, self = shared_from_this(), conn = conn->shared_from_this(),
                                     packet = packet->shared_from_this()](boost::asio::yield_context yield) {
        auto msgID = packet->readUInt16();
        uint64_t sn = packet->getParam();
        auto sql = packet->readString();
        LOG_DEBUG("DBServer::onReqMySQLQueryBySession type:{} sn:{} sql:{}", conn->getType(), sn, sql);

        POP_PACKET(sendPacket, Proto::REP_MYSQL_QUERY_BY_SESSION);

        boost::system::error_code ec{};
        boost::mysql::pooled_connection connection;
        while (true) {
            connection = _gameDB->async_get_connection(yield[ec]);
            if (!ec) {

            LOG_ERROR("DBServer::onReqMySQLQueryBySession type:{} sn:{} code:{} error:{}", conn->getType(), sn,
                      ec.value(), ec.message());

        boost::mysql::results results{};
        connection->async_execute(sql, results, yield[ec]);
        if (ec) {
            LOG_ERROR("DBServer::onReqMySQLQueryBySession type:{} sn:{} code:{} error:{}", conn->getType(), sn,
                      ec.value(), ec.message());

        if (!serialize(results, sendPacket)) {

jphz commented 1 month ago

Do need any additional processing?

anarthal commented 1 month ago

Are the conn->sendMsg calls blocking?

jphz commented 1 month ago
void Connection::sendMsg(Packet::Ptr packet) {
                      [this, self = shared_from_this(), packet = packet->shared_from_this()]() {
jphz commented 1 month ago

Not blocking

anarthal commented 1 month ago

Does onPack call any blocking function (like network read or write)? How many concurrent requests is your application receiving?

anarthal commented 1 month ago

If you don't need any timeout, you can replace this

        while (true) {
            connection = _gameDB->async_get_connection(yield[ec]);
            if (!ec) {

            LOG_ERROR("DBServer::onReqMySQLQueryBySession type:{} sn:{} code:{} error:{}", conn->getType(), sn,
                      ec.value(), ec.message());

by simply

// A zero timeout means "wait indefinitely until a connection is available"
connection = _gameDB->async_get_connection(std::chrono::seconds(0), yield[ec]);
jphz commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much.

anarthal commented 1 month ago

If the rest of your application uses blocking functions and doesn't integrate well with Asio's async model, you may consider using this code to get a synchronous equivalent of asnc_get_connection.

jphz commented 1 month ago

My code is all asynchronous, except for parsing network packets, which takes some time.

anarthal commented 1 month ago

Then you should be fine with what you are doing. Try increasing the number of allowed connections to the server if you get too much latency.

jphz commented 1 month ago

Yes, I need to increase the number of connections. The previous number of connections was too small.