boppreh / steamgrid

Downloads images to fill your Steam grid view
MIT License
660 stars 41 forks source link

What is it?

SteamGrid is a standalone, fire-and-forget program to enhance Steam's grid view and Big Picture. It preloads the banner images for all your games (even non-Steam ones) and applies overlays depending on your categories.

You run it once, and it'll set up everything above, automatically, keeping your existing custom images. You can run again when you get more games or want to update the category overlays.

Download (4.4 MB) (4.5 MB) (4.6 MB)

How to use

  1. Download the latest version and extract the zip wherever.
  2. (optional) Name the overlays after your categories. So if you have a category “Games I Love”, put a nice little heart overlay there named games i love.banner.png. You can rename the defaults that came with the zip or get new ones at /r/steamgrid.
    • Add the extension .banner before the image extension for banner art: games i love.banner.png
    • Add the extension .cover before the image extension for cover art: games i love.cover.png
    • Add the extension .hero before the image extension for hero art games i love.hero.png
    • Add the extension .logo before the image extension for logo art games i love.logo.png
  3. (optional) Download a pack of custom images and place it in the games/ folder. The image files can be either the name of the game (e.g. Psychonauts.banner.png) or the game id (e.g. 3830.png).
    • Add the extension .banner before the image extension for banner art: Psychonauts.banner.png, 3830.png
    • Add the extension .cover/p before the image extension for cover art: Psychonauts.cover.png, 3830p.png
    • Add the extension .hero/_hero before the image extension for hero art Psychonauts.hero.png, 3830_hero.png
    • Add the extension .logo/_hero before the image extension for logo art Psychonauts.logo.png, 3830_logo.png
  4. (optional) Generate a some API Keys to enhance the automatic search:
  5. Run steamgrid and wait. No, really, it's all automatic. Not a single key press required.
    • (optional) Append --steamgriddb <api key> if you've generated one before.
    • (optional) Append --igdbclient <igdb client> if you've genereated one before.
    • (optional) Append --igdbsecret <igdb secret> if you've genereated one before.
    • (optional) Append --types <preference> to choose your preferences between animated steam covers or static ones Available choices : animated,static. Default : static. You can use animated,static to download both while preferring animated covers, and static,animated for preferring static covers.
    • (optional) Append --styles <preference> to choose your preferences between the different covers styles from steamgriddb. Available choices : material,white_logo,alternate,blurred,no_logo. Default: alternate. You can also input multiple comma-separated choices in the same manners of the --types argument.
    • (optional) Append --appids <appid1,appid2> to only process the specified appID(s)
    • (optional) Append --onlymissingartwork to only download artworks missing on the official servers.
    • (optional) Append -nonsteamonly to only search artworks for non-steam games added onto the Steam client.
    • (optional) Append -skip<preference> to skip searching and downloading parts from certain artwork elements. Available choices : -skipbanner,-skipcover,-skiphero,-skiplogo. For example: Appending -skiplogo -skipbanner will prevent steamgrid to search and download logo and banners for any games.
    • (optional) Append -skipsteam to not download the default artworks from Steam.
    • (optional) Append -skipgoogle to skip search and downloads from Google.
    • (tip) Run with --help to see all available options again.
  6. Read the report and open Steam in grid view to check the results.

Results Grid view screenshot Big Picture screenshot


Something wrong?

If you encounter any problems, please open an issue. All critics and suggestions are welcome.