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Course material for Mobile Application Development, Integrated Digital Media, Tandon School of Engineering, NYU
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Course material for Mobile Application Development, Integrated Digital Media, Tandon School of Engineering, NYU

Classs 1A - Modern JavaScript

Classs 1B - Modern JavaScript

Classs 2A - Git Basics

Class 2B - React and JSX

Class 3A - React Native

Class 3B - React Native

Class 4A - Navigation and Structure

Class 5A - Global State & Local Storage

Class 5B - Hooks

Class 6 - Midterm presentation

Class 7A - Firebase App with Google Sign in

Class 8A - Firebase storing data and images

Weekly Schedule

Part I: Introduction to Mobile Development with React Native

[01.24.22, 01.26.22] Class 1: Modern JavaScript

[01.31.22, 02.02.22] Class 2: Understanding React

[02.07.22, 02.09.22] Class 3: React beyond the browser - React Native

Part II: Application Architecture

[02.14.22, 02.16.22] Class 4: Component-driven application architecture for mobile

[02.21.22] No class

[02.23.22, 02.28.22] Class 5: Global State, Local Storage & Hooks

[03.02.22, 03.07.22] Class 6: Midterm presentation lab & UX libraries

[03.09.22, - ] Dev support

[03.14.22 - 03.20.22] Spring break

[03.21.22, 03.23.22] Midterm presentations

Part III: Advanced Concepts

[03.28.22, 03.30.22] Class 7: User Authentication

[04.04.22, 04.06.22] Class 8: Database integration

[04.11.22, 04.13.22] Class 9: Animations

[04.18.22, 04.20.22] Class 10: Looking under the hood in Xcode

Part IV: Building, packaging, shipping

[04.25.22, 04.27.22] Class 11: Building and releasing mobile apps

[05.02.22, 05.04.22] Class 12: Final project proposal review

[05.09.22] Final project presentations