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SevTech Tips and Tricks

Sevtech is currently 3.2.3 : Get it here !

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Version History

  1. Diff between March 1 2022 and October 31 2019: Added new seed and cleared the defunct ones and updated link to 3.2.3

  2. Diff between October 31 and October 7

  3. Diff between August 8 and October 7

  4. Diff between July 17 and August 8

  5. Diff between June 25 and July 17

  6. Diff between June 14 and June 25

  7. Diff between June 10 and June 14

  8. Diff between June 6 and June 10

  9. Diff between May 18 and June 6

  10. Diff between May 12 and May 18

  11. Diff between 3.0.6 and May 12 2018

Performance tips:


-1717583552609621523 (3.2.3) Spawn on large open field. 4 Shoggoth lairs nearby, Bone Structure, Rock Crystals and lava a hop away. Village over the river. All needed metals nearby. Darklands X=-1500,Z=-750 (1 nights journey by raft) with darkland cobblestone village. 35k buckets of Oil in chunks N,E, & W of squat tree nearest Sakura trees.

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-7757505388919135334 (3.2.3) Spawn in Village, next to flat plains, Large bone structure and Shoggoth lair within 200 blocks of spawn. Rock Crystals just outside of town. Lava.

![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_2.jpg)

4685753669571566503 (3.2.3) Spawn near Village and Hut each with Cartographer, large lava pit, large bone structure and nearby river for gravel and sand. 2x Shaggoth lair in river to the south. Super dense starlight at top of tall spike mountain just behind village, perfect for Astral Sorcery. Mulberry tree at base of same spike mountain. Lots of Iron veins on outskirts of village. Menril trees to the north (good for Menril berries). Rock crystal is found by going to the Lake Town directly south of the above village, walk the south pier to the end, then head directly east. 2x Rock Crystal Samples are in the shallow water (You’ll need to direct a floating crystal at an Iron Ore block to make more starlight dust). Careful not to fall into a lava lake directly under you. The Rock crystals are in a vein safely under that lava lake.

Age 0

Uncategorized Tips

Step assist vs. auto-jump

Auto-jump is horrible, we all know. That is not what is on by default in SevTech. Instead we have Cyclic's step assist feature on from the get go. In age 1 after you make the Blood Altar you can craft a special apple (Apple of Lofty Stature) to toggle it. See below for a faster way to disable it.

Here are are a few things that step assist fixes over auto-jump:

If this feature is game-breaking and you have control over the configs, go to cyclic's configs and disable stepheightdefault and create a new character. If you’re already established see if the admin can cheat the apple to you.

When and where to select a first base

What to look for

Where to set up base

Where not to set up base



When you've decided on a base then make a whittling knife and make 6 high totems. They act like beacons within 13x13x13 (note: zone is a cube, not infinite column). You don't need the totem music for these to function. See rituals below for that. With whittling knife in hand either scroll or right click the air to cycle through the options.

Start with the totem base on the bottom, and your choice for wood placed on top. All similar totems need to stack on top of each other, ie. 5 wolf totems 1 high only gives strength 1, whereas a 5 high wolf totem gives strength 3.

Totem tips





The Nutrition mod encourages you to eat a balanced diet, giving you relevant buffs for eating food. See farming and homesteading for how to get a healthy supply of ingredients.

Good foods to make:


Inventory tips

Totem Rituals

Totem rituals allow you to make instruments, play a tune before the timer runs out to get various effects.

Tutorial video:

You need a totem near your instrument setup, otherwise rituals never start.

Start a ritual by shift clicking the instruments in certain orders. After the ritual is started just hit the instruments in the right order.


Age 1

This age is focused on Prospecting for Bronze(tin and copper), 2 magic mods: Blood magic and AbyssalCraft, and having a minimal Better With Mods setup. If you want ideas on planning a good base with room to put your stuff check out this server tour from To Asgard.

What you can do now


Hunting Dimension

Craft 8 wood with a stone sword to get the portal frame blocks. Make a portal and activate with your sword. This world only spawns selected types of mobs. Entering the portal then sneak to enter the Hunting dimension.

Note: Mobs have more health here.

Creeping Moss

Creeping moss is a craftable item that allows the player to change the type biome of a chunk in the hunting dimension. Creeping moss can be crafted by surrounding a block of mossy cobblestone (just cobble crafted with vine) with 8 vines, leaves(use flint shears) or saplings. Once you have crafted the creeping moss, you can sneak and right click to set the moss to the biome you are currently standing in. Once the desired biome has been set, you can go into the hunting dimension and right click with moss (without sneaking) to apply the biome changes. Keep in mind that creeping moss can only change the biome of a chunk in the hunting dimension. Also some of the biomes that are harder to find, like ice plains, can be obtained using some special crafting recipes.

Additionally, you can use the moss to find out what biome you are currently in, as it spits out the selected biome into chat. This can be helpful because the F3 screen does not show biome in age 1.


Blood magic

Blood magic mod is based on Life Points earned through sacrifice by blood. Initially you'll use your own HP to power it, and if you continue further into Blood Magic you can set up animal grinders.


AbyssalCraft is a large mod opening 4 dimensions, growing knowledge about the great old gods. As you progress through the mod item's names will unlock. Its power source is received from statues that direct power into firstly your necronomicon, then later you can store it into containers.

.![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_4.png)

The Beneath

Your goal is to get a handful of Black Quartz (for actually additions) and Aquamarine (for Astral Sorcery)

Better With Mods

![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_7.png)

Astral Sorcery beginnings

Astral sorcery is based on star light feeding into bigger and bigger altars and actual star gazing. Getting the luminous crafting table opens the next age. This mod is gated on aquamarine which is configured to come only from the top of the Beneath world, and Mulberry bark which can only be scraped off with a Better with Mods Saw, and a Necronomicon Ritual taking 1000 PE (waiting in front of statue with book in hand for 15 minutes, or with a Energy Pedestal).

Age 2

Uncategorized Tips

Things to look out for

What you can do now


Automating a Melter

Liquid management

Which pickaxe to pick

To mine the Carminite reactor in the urgast towers you may need a diamond-level pickaxe.

Tinker's Construct

These tools allow you to swap out parts, gain modifier slots the more you use them, and have a very large selection of materials to use. There are lots of abilities tied to each modifier, allowing a great deal of customization to fit your needs. These modifiers are not available until you reach age 3. Here are useful parts listed and described.

Black Quartz

While a black quartz pickaxe isn't much to write home about, combining with the hoe, sword, axe, and shovel gives an AIOT tool (All In One Tool) with 1120 durability, and great damage. 1 black quartz repairs 370 durability.


Octine tools are better than iron: Mining Speed 6, 900 durability, can be enchanted

Valonite are as good as steel: Obsidian mining, mining speed 8, 2500 durability, can be enchanted

The Swift Pick: Obsidian mining, mining speed unknown, 2500 durability, can be enchanted

Twilight Fortress

Ironwood Pick: Diamond level, Mining speed 6.5, 512 durability

Mazebreaker: Diamond level, Mining Speed 8, 1561 durability, Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 2

Steeleaf Pick gets Fortune II, if crafted from Steeleaf (instead of finding it in chests). Nice to have before Tinker's Construct modifiers are unlocked. 131 durability.

Best melee weapon

Astral sorcery crystal sword

Requires investing into building up 2 nearly perfect rock crystals. But this sword is as fast as a Tinker's construct rapier (crystal stats don’t affect the speed), can be enchanted with books and the refracting table, Infused for delivering a AoE once every few seconds. Sadly must be repaired by soaking in starlight.


While the enchanting table is gated for later ages, the refracting table from astral sorcery is available. This let's you pick what enchants as well as making sharpness VII, power V available (higher than normal loot).


Astral sorcery let's you attune yourself with one of the conselations, 2 of which are good for battle: Amara and Decidio. See the astral sorcery section for how to level up in their perk trees for even more defense and damage

Tinkers Construct

Note: Blank patterns require Sidings from the Saw instead of sticks.


Bronze: This is the first head you would want. It has a mining speed of 6.8 and the modifier 'dense' which together with a reinforced modifier(age 3) can give the pickaxe infinite durability. Naga Scale: The drops from the first Twilight Forest boss can be crafted into a pickaxe with a mining speed of 8.9, but with a mining level of iron. Knightly: This material is harder to get, but with a decent mining level and a mining speed of 8 and the highest durability: 1200. Abyssalnite: Abyssalnite is found in the many little shrines scattered across the Abyssal Wasteland (dimension). Once you reach this dimension these buildings are easily found and inside you will find one grey block with a ladder underneath it that leads to a chest with loot (mainly abyssalnite). It has a mining speed of 10. Refined Coralium: Rarely found in the same structures as abyssalnite but can also be found underground as Liquified Coralium Ore. The veins are very small and very hard to find. The mining speed is 12. This material has the modifier ‘Coralium-Plagued’ which inflicts the Coralium Plague (not to be confused with the Dreaded Plague) on critical hits. Don’t use it as a weapon!


Iron: Easy to get with an attack damage of 4. Prismarine: Prismarine offers 6.2 attack damage, but requires you to clear an ocean monument. Fiery: Only available after defeating the Hydra or the Ur-Ghast in the Twilight Forest, but it is the blade with the highest damage: 7.6.

Binding/guard and tool rod

Wood: Wood repairs itself, but very slowly.

Steeleaf: Repairs tools with about 4 durability per second. It requires steeleaf to be in the hotbar (not consumed and the more the better!). Knightly: The binding has a very high durability. Bronze: Dense (see the Head section above). Sponge: Gives silk touch. It's found in vanilla ocean monuments. Prismarine: Faster underwater mining. Watch out! The tool rod lowers durability drastically. Bone: Gives bonus damage

[Optional] Tool Forge

You can make a Tool forge by burning grout into seared stone and 4 Iron/Copper/Tin/Bronze blocks (Note: JEI only lists recipe with iron blocks, but the other metals do work).

Interdimensional Cage

The Interdimensional Cage from Abyssalcraft allows you to transport Villagers, Mobs and Animals for a small P.E. cost.


1000 P.E. + 8 Iron Bars + Shard of Oblivion(4 Shadow Gem + Transmutation Gem)

Transmutation Gem (10 uses, 1 is used in crafting the shard):

Blood magic

Getting Iron

Iron (Hematite which has a brown color; Malachite (copper) is green) is now open, but your melter isn't going to get hot enough. In addition to tracking it down and mining it, you’ll need lava in either a porcelain or seared tank (matching your melter)

Handling lava

Before venturing out to find Hematite, make a couple Seared Tanks or Seared Gauges.

Pick one of the following for holding lava:


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The Between Lands

Before we can make a smeltery (required for age 3 alloys, useful for efficient and mass processing of ores), we need to take the side quest of the Between Lands. Because it has its own wood and tool tech tree, you'll need to start from roughly scratch.

Goal: Obtaining a Aqua Middle gem found in Sludge Plains lakes

Betweenlands Farm

Betweenlands alchemy

Potion brewing is more complex, versatile and powerful than vanilla. Here is a great tutorial for how to get into alchemy.

As you progress through the Betweenlands, you will encounter a Wight Fortress eventually. You need to be prepared for the battle ahead as the boss is very difficult to defeat on your own, so any aid in alchemy is really necessary here, as well as the best armor and weapons available, amulets, and rings if found. Set up base around or inside the fortress once you get through it so that if it is too far away from your home base, you don't need to travel a million years just to get back to your grave. See here for more information:

Tinkers Construct Smeltery

Prerequisite: Turntable[Better with mods], Aqua Middle gem[Betweenlands] or wait till the nether for blaze powder.

Note that ore doubling from tech mods has been nerfed greatly. Even Mekanism is delayed until age 5, and it won't process your ores. A smeltery will be your go-to tool for ore processing for quite a while.

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Twilight Forest


Here are some methods of teleportation available.

Astral Sorcery Method

Astral sorcery's celestial gateway can be used to teleport to a different altar. Remember to use an anvil to name the gateway block itself.

Betweenlands Method

Furthermore you can link betweenlands portals with the swamp talisman

Blood Magic

Astral sorcery

Finding Rock Crystals

Starlight Generation and rock crystal stats

Tier 1 altar

Other altars


Attunement is learning about the constellations, constructing the attunement altar area and table, and imbuing yourself when desired constellations are out. This imbues you with powers and starts you on a progression tree to get more perks. You can use a shifting star item to reset your attunement, thus losing all progress. Crystals can also be attuned required for special items later. You are limited the the following 5, but crystals have more.

Tips for leveling attunements

Vicio: Gain XP by walking, sprinting, swimming and flying. The wild dog boots, and preferably potion of nimbleness from The Betweenlands, and running on the top of the canopy of the Phantom zone in Twilight Forest will let you get to level 25 in roughly 15 minutes. Creative flight is bugged so the Vicio elytra mantle is recommended if you must fly, but sprinting with the wild dog boots gets you leveled faster.

Amara: Level with the amount of damage you take. Armor will get hosed, so focus on some healing trick to level quickly. Craft a betweenlands potion of healing with max potency(V), disrobe yourself, drink the potion and stand next to the saw [Optionally put Spikes beneath you for more damage]. This gets you leveled from 1->11 with potion 1, 11->20 with potions 2,3,4, and 5, each potion lasting 2 minutes. Note: Don't get Added Armor, nor Bulwark while leveling as it reduces damage taken. Another approach is to do the Sun Dance from Totemic which won’t kill you, but still do damage.

Aevitas: Placing blocks gives you experience, the harder the better. Wood has a hardness of 2, same as cobble (see this table). Get a lumber axe from Tinkers Construct, mine big trees and place the logs. If you've automated obsidian farming then they are worth 25 logs in XP. 280 wood logs placed gets you to level 2. Use an iron wand to speed up placing blocks. An iron wand maxes out at 9 blocks placed. Wait for a diamond wand for faster XP gains.

Evorsio: Gain XP by mining blocks. A tinker's construct lumber axe working away on Twilight Forest giant trees are your path forward. An axe with the Dense property and 8500 durability and 3 giant trees gets you to level 16.



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Stellar Refraction Table Constellation Effects source

(Sourced from Mischief of Mice's video here)

Infused Wood is made by throwing oak logs into starlight.

The drawing table works by placing a special glass sheet on top and etching it with 1-3 constellations. You first etch it by placing the astral sorcery parchment in the lower section, opening the UI and dragging 3 constellations onto the main area. There is a chance that the paper gets burned up. We don't yet know why, just try again. While you can place the constellations anywhere, their location doesn’t matter, nor does aligning any of the points. Only the overlap. There is some funky math it does behind the scenes, but the easiest is to just have them completely overlap each other.

You can only select constellations that are in the sky, so you may have to wait. After placing your 3 constellations, it will etch the glass with that selection. Take out the paper and place items that can be enchante

Constellation Potion Weapons Armor Tools Book
Aevitas Regeneration I-IV Mending Mending Mending Mending
Discidia Strength I-IV Sharpness III-VII Power III-VII N/A N/A Sharpness III-VII Power III-VII
Armara Resistance I-III N/A Protection III-V N/A Protection III-V
Vicio Speed II-IV N/A Feather Falling III-V N/A Feather Falling III-V
Evorcio Haste VI-IX Attack Speed II-V N/A N/A Efficiency III-V Efficiency III-V
Mineralis Haste I-IV Attack Speed N/A N/A Fortune I-III Fortune I-III
Fornax Fire Resist I Fire Aspect I-III Flame I-II N/A Scorching Heat Fire Aspect I-III Flame I-II Scorching Heat
Octans Water Breathing III-V N/A Respiration II-IV N/A Respiration II-IV
Lucerna Night Vision I-III N/A Night Vision N/A Night Vision
Bootes Saturation III-VI N/A N/A Silk Touch Silk Touch
Pelotrio Regeneration Absorption Mending Mending Mending Mending
Horologium Speed II-V Haste VI-IX Atk Spd Looting III-V N/A Fortune IV-VI Fortune IV-VI Looting III-V

Age 3

Ores: Galena (Silver and Lead), Limonite (Iron and Nickel), Platinum, Cinnabar (Redstone), Bauxite (Aluminum), Nether Quartz, Nether Amethyst.

Tools:** **

Key Items:

Uncategorized Tips

What you can do now:



Better WIth Addons


Blood magic cont.


Tinker's Construct Tools:

Stoked Fire


Immersive Engineering/Tech/Petroleum

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Metal Press Automation

Metal presses are slow, and feeding them by hand is tedious. A slightly more sophisticated configuration makes it possible to batch arbitrary amounts of ingredients, even if the (gears) contain multiple input ingots.

![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_34.png)![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_35.png)


Blood Magic

While normal spawners only spawn 400 mobs, Betweenlands spawners are infinite. Use them below your blood alter and harvest spawns with

Infinite Ores

Mark/Ritual of the Falling Tower is a high tier Blood Magic ritual requiring 1M blood and summons a meteor directly from the sky. Put an obsidian block 20 blocks above the center to catch the meteor. Use Ritual of Magnetism to pull the meteor's ores into a 3x3x3 and the Ritual of the Crusher to mine it.

This mining process bypasses SevTech's mining, allowing you infinite access to diamonds.

The best bang for the buck is using a gold block to initiate the Ritual of the Falling Tower.

Steve's carts

Age 4

Ores: Assorted Quartz (affected by Fortune), Silicon Ore, Ardite Ore (Nether normal gen) and Cobalt Ore (Nether normal gen)

Tools:** **If you didn't unlock Journeymap in Age 2 or 3, it will automatically unlock on entering Age 4.

Key Items:

Uncategorized Tips


There are 3 main ME systems available: Refined Storage, Applied Energistics, and Simple Storage.

Refined and Applied don't yet have the ability to do automated crafting, nor deep storage. Thus all 3 are at best a way to sort your junk into a central system that can make crafting much easier. Use a Junk Storage to store your non-stackable items and useless junk.

Simple Storage

This mod allows you to connect the core storage block to your existing storage chest layout, as well as a tablet for remote access. The tablet comes in 2 flavors, a 64 block radius, and an advanced one for multi-dimensional access. At this point in your progression the advanced tablet is not that expensive. The Large Storage Crate mentioned earlier will also connect to this network for easy mass storage. Combine this ability with the advanced tablet for all the storage you'd ever need and the ability to craft anything with your items anywhere in the game.

Refined Storage

SevTech has gated refined storage on the same inscription plates that AE has, requiring a fair bit of tech either way. Thankfully you can craft them instead of exploration for meteors and a high tier pick.

The primary purpose in going this route is if you plan on upgrading to the computation plate in age 5 for auto-crafting.

Because you don't have much in terms of storage, using obsidian chests and external storage busses will be the way to go for storage.


Applied Energistics

See refined storage above. SevTech has both mods with enough item gating that both paths are equivalent.

Power Generation

Schmitt Triggers

A schmitt trigger is something that turns on at a certain level, and then turns off at a different level. This post has a diagram of redstone based schmitt triggers.

![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_38.png)

Building a do-nothing trigger to understand the various components is very important.

The main insight needed for a schmitt trigger at this tech level is that an HV capacitor can output it's fill-level via a comparator. It is important not to use the wireless transmitter and receiver from cyclic, as they do not preserve the redstone level, but only presence/absence of signal.

![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_39.png)![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_40.png)


You need to get your hands on compressed iron. The metal press has a plate for that, but it's much more efficient to use TNT for it (Only 20% loss compared to 55%). Angry pebbles from the between lands also provide enough of an explosion to create compressed iron. It’s easy to assemble the pressure chamber 3x3x3. Remember to make 2 interfaces and a valve. The interfaces has an "I" or input side and an “O” side or output. Make sure you have one input and one output on the outside of the chamber. Hook up an air compressor with pipes to the valve and use a lever on the compressor to turn it on and off (you will need to configure it). Note that before turning on pressure into pipes, loop the pipe back onto itself making a closed loop, otherwise your compressed air fizzes out. Place a chest on the output interface and a hopper going into the input interface. You are still able to click on the output interface and you need to setup filters so it won’t pull out the items you are trying to process. Start with filtering for compressed iron and then throwing in iron ingots into the hopper. With pressure adding to the system you should be able to get compressed iron much easier.

Warning: pressure has a max and you can have machine blow up if they go into the red. This is why its important to be able to shut off the compressor. Safety valves and security upgrades can be useful in preventing explosions, and you can shut off the compressor using a simple redstone + pressure gauge system.

![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_41.jpg)

You will need a plastic mixer to get colored plastic (note this plastic is different from the Industrial Foregoing plastic) The mixer requires heat, a torch is very slow to heat, lava is slow and will turn to obsidian after a while. You can use blood magic's serenade of the nether to get lava and place it all around the mixer to speed up the heat. Or you can just use a vortex heater. Using molten plastic from Modular Machines bypasses the need to be heated. It uses red,green, and blue dye powder to color the plastic and if heated high enough can remelt unused plastics.

Compressed iron and green plastic makes a circuit board, which then you place in the UV light (which does require pressure) after it hits 100% throw it in some etching acid (made in the pressure chamber) Note with items floating in this pack make sure you block in your acid completely, half stabs on the bottom will let the board flow out of the acid.

The tablet needs a charging station like the wrench and when you have a charge, you will need to shift right click on the tank that contains the fluid to sell, or on the chest with the item to sell. And then shift right click on the tank/chest for the sold item to go into. Right click with the tablet, right click to add to your order. Then click the order button for the drones to first take the item, then delivery the item.

When it comes to making the assembling line you will need a pneumatic wrench, right click the IO assembler arm to turn it blue, Blue is the the input and orange is the output

Initial Automation (and drawbridges)

The lesser-known mod: Modular Routers can automate PCB, Engineering, and Logic Circuit creation (barring only the manual processing of galacticraft metals). It will be far less tedious to use this mod after you are able to visit the end, as the "Connect to any inventory within 12 blocks" level 2 modules require ender eyes (process ender pearls at a chalice-equipped lightwell for free eyes) to function.

![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_42.png)![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_43.png)

Age 5


Key Items: See individual Galacticraft section

Stage 5 really opens to be a kitchen sink pack with a lot of default recipes and minimal tweaks in configs. The only real big recipe changes are the creative items.

Mob duplicator and Mob Crusher can be your friend on getting hard to find mob drops. Any spawner that you can stabilize with spawner agitator (or building in a slime chunk) can get you mob essence which you can use with the mob duplicator to get any mob you have capture in a mob imprisonment tool. Making a RFtools spawner with a wither essence is another good idea as the mob crusher will kill the wither instantly and convert its xp into mob essence.

Uncategorised Tips


Ore Processing





Asteroid Belt




![image alt text]({{ site.url }}/public/BMbpD6rCZ1qoniF20u7H2A_img_44.png)


Astral Sorcery

Mystical Agriculture:

Tier 6 seeds work in the Garden Cloche, but don't work with dirt. You'll need the appropriate Crux as the "dirt", or a block of Insanium Essence for the tier 6 Inferium seed.

Garden Cloches are pretty fast with mystical agriculture/other crops, but I found that a 9x9 field surrounded by Cyclic sprinklers + 1 in the center is a bit faster. A Cyclic Harvester set to Area will do the area all at once also. Other alternatives like the AA farmer or IF Plant Gatherer can't keep up with the speed of the overlapping sprinklers. The Harvester does take RF power, even though it looks like it only takes coal as power.

It's possible to begin Mystical Agriculture without going to Space. The Mekanism Oredictionificator is capable of converting Iron and Copper ore into Kepler 22b Iron and Copper ore. This in turn can be used in Starlight Transmutation to create Inferium Ore and Prosperity Ore, thereby bypassing the need for Saturn Slime ore to create your first inferium.

Creative age

Reached by making the Ultimate crafting grid. It doesn't have the normal shape to tell you it unlocks the next age.

Creative tips

You can complete all the quests by using the following command (Note severe lag)

/advancement grant playerName everything

You can revert to the beginning with

/gamestage clear PlayerName

You can complete individual quests with the following command followed by one of the below quests (prerequisite in parenthesis). Note this is a dump (minecraft/config/triumph/script/...) from 3.0.4 so may be outdated.

/advancement grant playerName only triumph:stageX/(some triumph from below)

stage0 stage1 stage2
kiln claybarrel stevescarts
saltflats tin market
horsechopper woodbasin depth
tipi gearbox smeltertank
grill prospector lapis
workblade parchment gold
flintknapp cart stopwatch
chestupgrade stepup resonatingwand
fish bloodaltar mapping
melterbase parrot paper
atlas beneath piston
farmland astable wool
woodhopper2 dung starpowder
lead chest skywave
charcoal alloykiln extendedcraftingbasic
wheel crafting betweenlands
flamehopper hoe bucket
workstump axle enderman
abyssalgem huntingdim twilight
weaponize furnace tcontable2
upgrade turntable weedwoodsticks
fiber coal weedwoodsword
woodenbarrel bucket rockcrystal
totemic blackquartz compass
horsepower tchannel drawertable
lowgradecharcoal statue biomealyzer
handgrind pedestal wateringcan
collectplank plumbline dowsingrod
tomahawk stoneanvil iron
melter aqueduct conpaper
abyssalbiome necro lightwell
mill leafbed glass
buffalo extension tcontable1
firsttool aquamarine controller
saddle journal tcontable3
firepit bronze astable2
spear waterwheel weird
firstbreak copper
stage3 stage4 stage5
crudeoil silicon wirelesscharger
iehammer ardite creativemodifer
drawercontroller rsgrid creativeenergycube
blazerod cobalt emerald
projector launchpad diamond
rails blockheads1 inferiumessence
steel amadrontablet prospectorstage5
oreprospector manyullyn diamondjetpack
circuitboard solidendereye t2rocket
bauxite printedcircuitboard charger3
liquidplastic endercrafter osmium
vacuumtube certusquartz spacesuit4
standardhull moon neptune
netherbrick enderalloy3 ultimateingot
creosote pressurechamberwall creativefluidtank
filteredhopper inscriber electrumjetpack
platinum extendedcraftingelite scanner
iebook spacesuit cheese
conveyorbelt machinecasing prosperityshard
woodhull compressor desh
galgadorian laserassembly mars
redstone plasticmixer creativecompressor
naphtha ae2panel skystone
workbench compressediron emeraldjetpack
amethyst t1rocket creativejetpack
oreexcavation prospector4 ultimatecraftingtable
steam fuelloader marsrover
bellows enderalloy1 saturn
propene blockheads3
sampledrill enderalloy2
windmill blockheads2
modularmachinery theend
hibachi nasaworkbench
silverlead presses

Cross-age Info

Ore distributions

(as of 3.0.6)

Material Min Y Max Y Notes
Aquamarine 150 246 The Beneath only
Autunite 8 33 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Azurite (copper) 12 44 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Bauxite (aluminium) 45 79 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Beryl 4 32 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Black Quartz 2 100 The Beneath only
Casserite (tin) 44 68 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Cinnabar (redstone) 5 12 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Coal 48 78 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Corrallium 4 56 Overworld (All biomes) & Twilight Forest
Galena (silver & lead) 16 50 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Gold 5 30 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Hematite (iron) 32 60 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Kimberlite 2 15 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Lapis 10 38 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Limonite (iron & nickel) 6 32 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Malachite (copper) 39 44 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Platinum 3 25 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Quartz 6 29 Overworld & Twilight Forest
Redstone Ore N/A N/A Twilight Forest in the hollowed out caves
Sphalerite 35 55 Only blacklisted in the nether & end
Teallite (tin) 8 43 Overworld, Beneath & Twilight Forest

Heatmap biomes

*Credit to /ChaoticNonsense on reddit for *[the research](


SevTech does indeed use a heat/humidity grid system for its biome generation. The Z axis determines temperature, and the X axis determines humidity. Both follow a periodic pattern similar to a sine wave, where you move from one extreme to another, and the moderate levels are in between.

There are four Temperature levels, (hot, warm, cool, icy) and three humidity levels (dry, average, wet). As your coordinate values increase (Inc. X is east, Inc Z is south), you get the transitions listed below.

Z (N/S): Warm -> Hot -> Warm -> Cool -> Icy -> Cool ->(repeat).

X (E/W): Avg. -> Wet -> Avg.->Dry -> (repeat).

If one makes the grid of a full cycle in each axis, (now matching the cardinal directions) it looks like the table below. Obviously, the table wraps around when you go off an edge.


There are a few other points/observations worth noting. The first, is that you will always spawn in a Warm Average zone. So generating a bunch of different worlds (as I did before this analysis) will get you nowhere. Also, there are four distinct Warm Average zones in the table; I can't say with certainty, but the settings make me suspect you spawn specifically in the Northwest corner of the table. The configs also specify that a full cycle is about 10k blocks. It didn't specify a direction on that, so I'm assuming the Humidity bands are about 2500 across, and the temperature bands are about 1700 across.

This information, with the classifications below, should be enough to find specific biomes more methodically. Good Luck!

Biome Classification:

Hot Dry:

Hot Average:

Hot Wet:

Warm Dry:

Warm Average:

Warm Wet:

Cool Dry:

Cool Average:

Cool Wet:

Icy Dry:

Icy Average:

Icy Wet:


Oceans can go anywhere, and there are a ton of river/transitional/Hill variants of the above.

How to replicate this

Google Docs Tips

Github Pages


Alternatives considered

I had considered using Google Doc's native web view and embed the provided iframe into a skeleton site, but the formatting Google provides is so bad it is nigh unusable. The benefit of native web view is that it is always up-to-date. The downside is that we can't change the way it looks. The way browsers handle iframes protects the inner page from any poking from the parent page it is embedded into.

I had considered using Google Doc's native html export and simply uploading that to a static site storage site. The image links would work, and the size limit wouldn't be as much of a problem. The table of contents I wanted to add meant I'd have to either edit the top level html page every time I push, or have a page that uses javascript to pull the html from the same page and inject the javascript added above.