botanicus / rango

Rango is ultralightweight, ultracustomizable, ultracool web framework inspired by Django.
MIT License
221 stars 9 forks source link

h1. Installation via RubyGems

Rango itself doesn't define any runtime dependencies, since you may want to use just a subset of Rango, i. e. just template layer. If you are using stack generator, you get @Gemfile@ with usual dependencies, so @gem bundle@ will take care about it.

h1. Installation via "Rip":

h1. How to Contribute To Rango

Contributions to Rango is easy, you don't have to create a ticket or something, the only thing you really have to do is write good code. Before you send a pull request, please ensure that you:

# run all the specs under Ruby 1.9.1 and Ruby 1.9.2
rvm specs 1.9.1,1.9.2

# run given spec under all installed Ruby implementations
rvm ruby ./script/spec spec/rango/mixins/message_spec.rb

# run given spec under Ruby 1.9.1
rvm 1.9.1 ruby ./script/spec spec/rango/mixins/message_spec.rb

h1. Documentation

h1. Community