botpress / botpress-electron

This converts the Botpress binaries into a binary downloader / installer / runner
MIT License
0 stars 2 forks source link


Clone the repo and install dependencies:

git clone
cd botpress-electron
nvm install
npm i

Get your segment and sentry keys and put them into a .env file (see .env.example). You'll need the other environment parameters if you want to build locally.

Starting Development

Start the app in the dev environment:

npm start

Packaging for Production

To package apps for the local platform:

npm run package

OR for debugging production instances

npm run package:dev

Binaries will be found in ./release/build/Botpress@version_number-mac.dmg


To set the botpress binary version :

In the main package.json set botpressVersion to the tag that you want (ex. v12_26_10 found here

To set the release version (for example : Botpress_12.26.10.exe) :

Set the "version" parameter in the release/app/package.json's "version".


Github release drafts are created whenever main is updated and there is no existing version found in release/app/package.json's "version".

See the .env.example file for more information about what is needed for release (everything not written _DEV, or CI). You'll need to add these as secrets on Github repo. Note that despite the fact that Electron-builder's CSC_LINK and WIN_CSC_LINK ask for links, you can also convert your code signing certificates into base64 and use the strings.

A bit about versioning

Botpress-electron generally follows botpress versions.

If something needs to be changed to fix an issue, it will usually happen after a binary release. What you can do and maintain compatibility with Semantic Versioning is append a dash & letter, like this : 12.26.10-a.