botpress / nlu

This repo contains every ML/NLU related code written by Botpress in the NodeJS environment. This includes the Botpress Standalone NLU Server.
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Botpress NLU


This repo contains every ML/NLU related code written by Botpress in the NodeJS environment.

The source code is structured in a mono-repo fashion using yarn workspaces. The ./packages directory contains all available packages. The main packages are:

Check out each individual packages for more details.

Running from source

Prerequisites: Node 16.13 (you can use nvm) and Yarn.

  1. Run yarn to fetch node packages.
  2. Run yarn build && yarn start to build and start the Standalone NLU server.
  3. You can also run yarn dev to run the NLU Server with ts-node however, trainings won't be parallelized on several threads.

Running from pre-built binaries

New executable binary files are packaged at every release. You can download those directly on release page located here.


Metrics (Prometheus)

A Prometheus endpoint can be configured to expose NLU specific metrics. By setting the PROMETHEUS_ENABLED environment variables to true, the port 9090 will expose prometheus metrics.

Tracing (Jaeger)

A Jaeger client can be configured using a subset of the standard Opentelemetry environment variables.

The important environment variables for configuring tracing are:

⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️⚠️

The NLU Server does not enforce authentication in any way. This means it is completely exposed to many attacks. If you plan on using the nlu-server in your local Botpress setup, makes sure it is not publicly exposed. If you plan on exposing the NLU server, make sure it his hidden behind a reverse proxy which ensures a proper authentication. This reverse proxy should:

The NLU Server's only purpose is to do NLU.


Different licences may apply to differents packages of the ./packages directory. If no licence is specified, the package is protected by the same license as the v12 Botpress repository.