bottkars / Azurestack-Kickstart

streamline the post-deployment of Azure Stack ASDK
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Azurestack Kickstart is an automation to AzureStack ASDK ( and Integrated Systems )
It is an automated Process to do initial Configurations, Management Tasks and deployments.
The Idea is to have base components/logins stored in a json template and credentials stored in session variables.

The Current Version assumes AzureStack ≥ 1807 and will deploy AzureRM Profile 2.40 and AzureStack Tools 1.5.0

Azurestack-Kickstart is tested against 1809 successfully
However, the behavior is set in your admin profile ( see below )
The Consistent Approach allws you to "Bootstrap" your Shell session with the 99_bootstrap script(s) The Bootstrap Scripts wll read the user / admin json files having envronment data stored from the Homedirectory

to install the Azure Stack Kickstart, simply type in

install-script azurestack-kickstart -Scope CurrentUser -Force

the command will run itsself in elevated Mode and will:

To update Kickstart or the Sub-Modules, just type


from the kickstart root

Once finished, CD into Azurestack-Kickstart. run 01_asdk_post to

.\admin\01_asdk_post.ps1 -LanguageTag de-DE

create an admin.json file in your Homedirectory ( copy the admin.json.example fro the root of the distro as reference)

example admin.json

"DNSDomain" :"azurestack.external",
"Domain": "azurestack",
"location": "local",
"VMPassword": "Password123!",
"VMuser": "azureuser",
"TenantName": "",
"subscriptionID": "8c21cadc-9e41-459e-bf4b-919aa2fad975",
"SubscriptionOwner": "", 
"PrivilegedEndpoint": "azs-ercs01.azurestack.local",
"serviceuser": "masadmin",
"cloudadmin": "cloudadmin",
"AZSTools_Location": "D:\\AzureStack-Tools",
"AzureRMVersion": "2.40",  //This set´s the profile to be installed
"AzureSTackModuleVersion": "1.5.0",  //this set´s the Azurestack Module Version to be installed
"SQLRPadmin": "SQLRPadmin",
"MySQLRPadmin": "MySQLRPadmin",
"SQLHost": "SQLHost1",
"MySQLHost": "MySQLHost1",
"ISOpath": "D:\\ISO",
"Updatepath": "D:\\Updates"
"consumptionSubscription": "Default Provider Subscription",
"meteringSubscription": "Default Provider Subscription"

initial powershell modules config

To set the initial stack configuration and install Powershell Modules run:


The Command will run itself in elevated Mode ![image]image

this task can be repeated at any time to update the AzureStack Powershell environment

register the stack


this will use your setiings from admin.json to register your azurestack

Starting the customizations

we have to load now our admin environment and gegister our cloudadmin/serviceadmin user
this will store credentials in the session for avoiding multiple login requests



deploy Base Plans



deploy Windows Marketplace Items from ISO

this needs to run in an Admin Session
first browse available KB Versions ...

get-content .\admin\windowsupdate.json | ConvertFrom-Json

then deploy ...

 .\admin\11_deploy_windows_marketplace_image.ps1 -KB KB4056890


you can create Bulk Marketplace Images by using:

$KB = (get-content .\admin\windowsupdate.json | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertFrom-Json) | Sort-Object -Property Date | Select-Object KB -Last 5 | Where-Object KB -ne ""
$KB | .\admin\11_deploy_windows_marketplace_image.ps1 

this will batch create Marketplace Items for last 5 Windows Server 2016 KB´s listed in the included windowsupdate.json
the process is

Create SQL Server for PaaS, make sure to create SKU after 22 !

# create sku

Create MySQL Server for PaaS, make sure to create SKU after 26 !

# creste sku

PCF Deployment

there is a pcf deployment module for opsmanager including a deployment template.

follow PCF Deployment using Kickstart Template for further instructions

user scripts

example user.json file

"DNSDomain" :"azurestack.external",
"Domain": "azurestack",
"location": "local",
"VMuser": "azureuser",
"VMPassword": "Password123!",
"TenantName": "",
"azsuser": "azsuser1",
"cloudadmin": "cloudadmin",
"AZSTools_Location": "D:\\AzureStack-Tools",
"AzureRMVersion": "2017-03-09-profile",
"AzureStackModuleVersion": "1.2.11",
"location": "local",
"StackIP": ""

user bootstrapping

once the use has created his config file, he can bootstrap from his powershell to get permanent variables in the session.



creating Windows VM Scalesets using -osImageSkuVersion

If the Cloudadmin has provided differnt osImageSKU´s from above, we can

.\user\60_new-azsserver2016vmss.ps1 -vmssName myssdemo -osImageSkuVersion 14393.729.20170130

This creates a new vmscaleset with the os image version 14393.729.20170130

we can verify the properties of the scaleset :


Demo Videos:

Part 1: Part1

Part 2: Part2