Youtube's playlist randomizer breaks for very large lists.
This is a basic implementation for a Youtube playlist shuffle service that works around the issue.
If you wish to run this, you need a youtube API key, specified in the YOUTUBE_API_KEY environment variable.
If running out of docker, you need to specify the project root in the YOUTUBE_SHUFFLE_ROOT environment variable.
docker pull boucaud/youtube-shuffle:latest
docker run \
-d \
--name youtube-shuffle \
-p $YOUR_PORT:8080 \
-e YOUTUBE_SHUFFLE_LOG_DIR='/root/log' \
-v $YOUR_LOG_DIR:'/root/log' \
yarn install
yarn run build
pip install -r requirements.txt
python ./
# Note this expects the api to be accessible at localhost:8080. If not, change the proxy url in vue.config.js
yarn run serve