boumba100 / android-stomp-websocket

Android STOMP client library via websocket connection
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This library was created to allow android devices to communicate whith STOMP servers via websocket.

Getting started

To get started, download the project from this repository. This project contains the STOMP client library(wstompclient) and an example app using the library. Since the project is created with Android Studio, you can simply open it with the IDE and run it on an emulator or a physical device.

If you want to include the wstompclient library into your own project do as the following:

Android Studio

ClickFile → New → Import Module and select the wstompclient folder.

The step above will add ':wstompclient' to the settings.gradle file as shown below.

include ':app', ':wstompclient'

To compile the library in your application simply add this line to the project's build.gradle file.

dependencies {
compile project(':stompclient')

Example code for android client

Stomp server connection

Private StompClient stompClient;

//connect to server
stompClient = new StompClient("ws://<server hostname>:port/endpoint") { //example "ws://localhost:8080/message-server"
            protected void onStompError(String errorMessage) {
                Log.d(TAG, "error : " + errorMessage);

            protected void onConnection(boolean connected) {
                Log.d(TAG, "connected : " + String.valueOf(connected));

            protected void onDisconnection(String reason) {
                Log.d(TAG, "disconnected : " + reason);

            protected void onStompMessage(final Frame frame) {
                runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), frame.getBody(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    //  disconnect from stomp server and websocket

For different protocol use this constructor

new StompClient("ws://<server hostname>:port/endpoint", new Draf_...()) {



(destination); // subscribe to topic

stompClient.unSubscribe(destination); // unsubscribes to topic

Send message

stompClient.sendMessage(destination, string);

Custom frames

This library already includes simple STOMP protocol frame templates for these commands : CONNECT DISCONNECT SEND SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE

If you want to add extra headers to the frames before sending it, you can easily do as below :

Frame connectionFrame = new Frame().setConnection(destination).append("login", "username").append("password", "password123");

If you simply want to create a fully custom frame you can do as bellow

new Frame().setCommand(command).append(name, value);