boutroslab / caRpools

Exploratory data analysis for pooled CRISPR/Cas9 screens
21 stars 13 forks source link

Attention: Our new tool is available now!


Platform-independent, interactive and exploratory analysis, annotation and documentation of CRISPR screens

Visit the Github page

Visit the Live Demo

caRpools - a software package for the analysis CRISPR/Cas9 pooled screens


If you have issues or problems PLEASE us the ISSUES page.

Attention: Due to the downtime of the community-server of biomaRt, caRpools 0.82.5 does not function properly. Use 0.83 that uses by default the Ensembl servers for data annotation.

Additional Information

Dear users, the latest CRAN version is not compatible with the virtual machine due to rJava issues. I am right now working on a new version without any java dependencies and will release it for alpha/beta testing via the releases channel. In case you are interested in beta testing the new caRpools version, please send me an email ( so that I know who is using it and provide further support. In general, the beta release will be avaible for everyone.

Once the manual and vignette is updated for the new, far advanced version, it will be released on CRAN.


CaRpools is an R package forexploratory data analysis of pooled CRISPR/Cas9 screens. It aims to provide a user-friendly pipeline for end-to-end analysis of screening data. As an output, it generates standardized PDF and HTML reports that include:

Users fill out a configuration file and caRpools runs a complete analysis workflow, including NGS data extraction and mapping.

Download the VirtualBox appliance of caRpools

The VirtualBox appliance can be downloaded from HERE

It provides you a ready-to-use virtual appliance, so that you do not need to install any additional R packages or tools.

Download R package

You can download the R package either


Tip for Mac Users

If you can't get RStudio to call system commands, you need to start Rstudio from command line.
In order to allow RStudio to start system commands, please start RStudio via the terminal by typing:

open -a rstudio


Jan Winter ( Web


Winter, J., Breinig, M., Heigwer, F., Brueggemann, D., Leible, S., Pelz, O., Zhan, T., Boutros, M. (2015) caRpools: An R package for exploratory data analysis and documentation of pooled CRISPR/Cas9 screens. Bioinformatics



0.83 (latest CRAN)




