bowlerbear / MoreRangeChangeSims

Simulation Study for occupancy models
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Simulation Study for occupancy models

This repo contains the code for simulations to explore the robustness of occupancy detection models to different types of human data collection behaviours.

Specifically we aim to:

Simulation steps

The core model file is called "sims_workflow.Rmd".

The steps of the analysis are:

(1) generate an idealized community based on a known set of parameters

(2) degrade the dataset according to scenarios below

(3) fit a standard occupancy model and compare true parameters in (1) with those estimated by the model. We also compare a simple naive analysis that does not account for imperfect detection.

(4) Various functions for summarising and plotting the data are found in the helperFunctions.R script Specially, we compare the ability of the occupancy detection model to:

Scenarios under consideration so far (additional ideas welcome)

(a) Atlas schemes

(b) Habiat quality effects

(c) Model mispecification

(d) Species/Community properties