Running the project
The project has been created with create-react-app. Steps to run it locally are:
- Install deps:
npm i
or yarn
- Run the project:
npm run start
or yarn start
To run it on a docker container, in your terminal:
to build the image.
- then
, to run the container.
Thoughts and explanations
Ran out of time so wasn't able to finalize the implementation
- Used React Context to manage global context, I think it works fine with small and large projects as it scales nice, React reducers can easily be integrated with the context to create a more complex state if needed.
- Search works fine and searches any repo in github, searches "react" initially.
- Isolated components and modules based on domain/responsibility
- Pagination doesn't work properly. Needs some time to make it fit correctly with the Table and GQL.
- Dockerized the solution with a node 16 image. Pretty standard. I'm copying .env file into the container so the github access token is available. For a production environment, that secret must be injected from the CI.
- Added a few testing specs (about 65% coverage) but wasn't able to cover everything as I ran out of time.
Happy with the result despite not being finalized.
If I would have more time
- Fix pagination and make it work properly with all functions (first/last, prev/next)
- Add a full testing coverage
- Use docker-compose to inject secrets and run it in github actions (or any other CI)
- Improve styling and UI. The current UI is very basic.