"Emoji Flashcards" is a tool to help generate Anki flashcards from emoji/text/audio pairings. These emoji flashcards are meant to be used at the beginning of language learning, in order to give some confidence in vocabulary and act as a supplement for more language-specific learning. These are not intended to be a list of "most common words", but rather are a list of pictographic words that are hopefully fairly translatable across many languages and cultures. This is NOT a flashcard studying app by itself.
You can help improve translations! Read our Contribution Guide and join our Discord to learn more!
The only prerequisite to running Emoji Flashcards is Deno. There are also a few optional requirements, which are needed for specific tasks.
task | description |
deno task start |
Runs the Emoji Flashcards website |
deno task test |
Makes sure everything works. Please run this before making a PR |
deno task gen:anki |
Generates Anki Decks from data. Use this to build decks from source |
deno task gen:audio es-ES |
Generates audio files from data. It is NOT recommended to use this task if you are trying to contribute by adding new translations, since I will need to run it again later anyways. Requires a local installation of ffmpeg, and a Azure API key |
deno task gen:text |
Generates translations from source. Requires a DeepL and/or Azure API key |
deno task xxx
, and their licenses apply to their code.