bpierre / fontello-svg

Generate SVG icons from a Fontello icon set.
MIT License
65 stars 7 forks source link
font icon svg


fontello-svg is a command-line tool to generate the SVG versions of a Fontello icon set, with a corresponding CSS file.

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$ npm install fontello-svg -g


You need to select and download an icon set from the Fontello website, then indicate the path of the config.json file with the --config parameter.

$ fontello-svg --config fontello-config-file.json \
                  --out ./iconset-directory \
                  --fill-colors "grey:rgb(77,78,83)|blue:rgb(0,149,221)"


  Usage: fontello-svg --config <config file> --out <dir> [options]


    -h, --help                  output usage information
    -V, --version               output the version number
    -c, --config <config file>  Set the Fontello configuration file (required)
    -o, --out <dir>             Set the export directory (required)
    -f, --fill-colors <colors>  Transform the SVG paths to the specified colors. Syntax: --fill-colors "black:rgb(0,0,0) | red:rgb(255,0,0)"
    -p, --css-path <path>       Set a CSS path for SVG backgrounds
    --file-format <format>      Override the default filename. Values: {0} - collection, {1} - name, {2} - color. Syntax: --file-format "{0}-{1}-{2}.svg" | --file-format "{0}-Custom-{1}.svg"
    --no-css                    Do not create the CSS file
    --no-skip                   Do not skip existing files
    --verbose                   Verbose output


Sara Soueidan wrote a blog post explaining how to use fontello-svg and other tools to convert an icons-as-font configuration into SVG files. Read it here: https://sarasoueidan.com/blog/icon-fonts-to-svg/
