bpwilcox / ros2-production-working-group

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ROS 2 Production Working Group

This document defines the scope and governance of the Working Group (WG).

Mission: The ROS 2 Production Working Group's mission is to affirm ROS 2’s commitment as an infrastructure for scalable deployment and production of robotics products by prioritizing and coordinating efforts to address concerns of Developer Cost, Stability, Quality Control, and Performance.



This Working Group owns and maintains the following Subprojects. Its meetings and membership are largely focused on the direction, design, and work on the projects.

Subproject List

The following subprojects are owned by the Working Group:


Standards for subprojects

Subprojects must meet the following criteria (and the WG agrees to maintain them upon adoption).

Adding new subprojects

To request introduction of a new subproject, add a list item to the "Subprojects" section and open a Pull Request to this repository, following the default Pull Request Template to populate the text of the PR.

PR will be merged on unanimous approval from Approvers.

Subproject changes

Modify the relevant list item in the "Subprojects" section and open a Pull Request to this repository, following the default Pull Request Template to populate the text of the PR.

PR will be merged on unanimous approval from Approvers.

Deprecating subprojects

Projects cease to be useful, or the WG can decide it is no longer in their interest to maintain. We do not commit to maintaining every subproject in perpetuity.

To suggest removal of a subproject, remove the relevant list item in the "Subprojects" section and open a Pull Request in this repository, following instructions in the Pull Request Template to populate the text of the PR.

PR will be merged on unanimous approval from Approvers.

If the repositories of the subproject are under the WG's GitHub organization, they will be transferred out of the organization or deleted at this time.



Communication Channels

Member may communicate with each other via discourse (#ros2-production-wg) and within google group/email list: https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/ros2-production-working-group

Backlog Management


Membership, Roles and Organization Management

Working Group members may act in one or more of the following roles:

To become a member or change role, create an issue in this repository using the appropriate issue template. Such applications are accepted upon unanimous agreement from Approvers, and are typically based on the applicant's history with the subprojects of the Working Group. The Lead role cannot be applied for, as it is an appointee of the ROS 2 TSC.

Modifying this governance document

Changes to this document will be made via Pull Request. The PR will be merged on unanimous agreement from Approvers.