bra1nDump / show-me-chatgpt-plugin

Create and edit diagrams in ChatGPT
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GPT chart generation failure #16

Open wolframarnold opened 1 year ago

wolframarnold commented 1 year ago

Here is the request sent:

  "mermaid": "graph TB\n  subgraph \"\"\n    A[\"1,1\"] -- \"True Positive Rate\" --> B[\"ROC Curve\"]\n    C[\"1,0\"] -- \"False Positive Rate\" --> B\n    D[\"Area Under Curve = AUC\"] -- \"\" --> B\n    E[\"0,0\"] -- \"True Positive Rate\" --> B\n    F[\"0,1\"] -- \"False Positive Rate\" --> B\n  end"

Here is the error message returned by Show Me:

  "results": [
      "errorMessage": "GPT created an invalid mermaid.js diagram, you can try again or edit it online",
      "editDiagramOnline": "",
      "contributeToOpenSourceProject": ""