bra1nDump / show-me-chatgpt-plugin

Create and edit diagrams in ChatGPT
673 stars 70 forks source link

Diagrams in ChatGPT - Show Me

Create and edit diagrams in seconds without even leaving the chat.

Understand processes in a glance. Example: iOS Application lifecycle


Create diagrams from a description. Example: A distributed system diagram


Make edits



This project is now private and the public version is not actively updated

Thanks for all the stars and usage of the product! I wanted to provide clarity on why the commits have stopped: Our team is working on integrating with some partners and we dont currently feel comfortable publicaly sharing that code. There are now multiple competitors in the diagram ChatGPT plugin space and we want to avoid loosing our competetive edge by sharing the latest updates to the code.

If you strongly feel we should open the source again message with your reasons.

How to run the project


Note: There is some unused code in the repo which we didn't have time to clean up. Its mostly related to running GPT-4 on the server side and multi diagram support.

