bra1nDump / show-me-chatgpt-plugin

Create and edit diagrams in ChatGPT
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Generating issue #18

Open reddote opened 1 year ago

reddote commented 1 year ago

request : { "mermaid": "graph TB\n A[\"Start world()\"]\n A --> B[\"Initialization\"]\n B --> C[\"ZMQ Context Setup\"]\n C --> D[\"Log Setup\"]\n D --> E[\"Plugin Management\"]\n E --> F[\"Initiate UI Update Loop\"]\n F --> G[\"Enter Event Loop\"]\n G --> H[\"Process Incoming Messages\"]\n H --> I[\"Handle Notifications\"]\n G --> J[\"Shutdown\"]\n J --> K[\"Stop Eye Processes\"]\n K --> L[\"Save Session Settings\"]\n L --> M[\"De-initialize Plugins\"]\n M --> N[\"End world()\"]" }


UnrecognizedFunctionError: get_MermaidRoute

bra1nDump commented 1 year ago

This might be related to the new version rollout. Our api was not backwards compatible. Will double check tomorrow

EqualHeadroom commented 1 year ago

I rolled back to the version that contains get_MermaidRoute. This will cause errors for everyone that installed the plugin between 2pm - 11:30pm Pacific Time Sunday May 21st. But this will fix the plugin for the larger number of users who installed the plugin over the last week.