bra1nDump / show-me-chatgpt-plugin

Create and edit diagrams in ChatGPT
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Cloudflare error #27

Closed Bryankesler closed 1 year ago

Bryankesler commented 1 year ago

Getting this error

Create a simple diagram of a butterfly lifecycle


2 / 2

Used Show Me REQUEST TO SHOW ME { "mermaid": "graph TB\n E[\"Egg\"] -- \"Hatches into\" --> L[\"Larva (Caterpillar)\"]\n L -- \"Transforms into\" --> P[\"Pupa (Chrysalis)\"]\n P -- \"Emerges as\" --> B[\"Butterfly\"]\n B -- \"Lays\" --> E" }


<!DOCTYPE html>

Worker threw exception | | Cloudflare

Error 1101 Ray ID: 7ce2725bf875e86f • 2023-05-28 00:40:35 UTC

Worker threw exception

What happened?

You've requested a page on a website ( that is on the Cloudflare network. An unknown error occurred while rendering the page.

What can I do?

If you are the owner of this website:
you should login to Cloudflare and check the error logs for

bra1nDump commented 1 year ago

Looks like the " were not escaped in the request. I will double check Monday if that's the issue

/remind me in two days

reminders[bot] commented 1 year ago

@bra1nDump set a reminder for May 30th 2023

antondevson commented 1 year ago

I'm getting the same error. Ray ID: 7ce43e8fad15e752 among others

bra1nDump commented 1 year ago

@antondevson & @Bryankesler thanks for reporting - this helped us get the attention on the issue and fixing it! This is related to #26 which was caused by a kroki outage and solved by moving to our own kroki mermaid instance.


Long term