bracketclub / data

The data and DB for Bracket Club
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The data and DB for

Build Status

Running each watcher



node watchers/$WATCHER --sport=$SPORT --year=$YEAR

Via pm2

# Any command run through this npm run-script will use check the hostname==localhost
# to see if it should run in PRODUCTION mode. You can also pass NODE_ENV=production to force it
# They will also use the current year for $YEAR

# Start only one
npm start $WATCHER $SPORT

# Run other pm2 commnads
npm start $WATCHER $SPORT restart
npm start $WATCHER $SPORT stop
npm start $WATCHER $SPORT delete
npm start $WATCHER $SPORT logs

Before Starting Scores Watcher

For the score watcher to run properly, each of the teams from bracket-data should have a match against wherever the scores are fetched. This can be done inside bracket-data by cloning that repo and running the npm run names command. If there are any names missing, then the bracket-data package should be published and pulled into this project before npm start scores is run.

Integration Tests

# Connects to the DB and adds masters/entries/users to all sports every 5 seconds
npm run integration

So you missed a finished score in production

# Want you probably want to do if you missed something today.
# Since order of masters matters in the database the --teams param order
# is important. This will take the current bracket and look up the scores for today
# (or use --date) and apply each result that the teams played in.
NODE_ENV=production npm run insert-by-team -- --sport ncaaw --teams uconn "notre dame"

So you missed an entry tweet

NODE_ENV=production npm run find-entry -- --sport ncaam --year 2018 --tweet TWEET_ID

Dumping a database

# Connection string will come from NODE_ENV and it will save to sql/$ENV.sql
NODE_ENV=production npm run dump

Setting up environment variables

# Create a .env file with all the necessary env vars for production

Production Database on Heroku

# Open a psql shell
npm run heroku:psql

# Import current local sql file to production
npm run heroku:psql < sql/production.sql

# Open webpage to heroku DB
npm run heroku:web

Linode CLI Commands

# Create or rebuild the linode based on the current stackscript
# Pass it a path to a public key in order to allow SSH access
# The .env file will be used to populate vars to the Linode
npm run deploy build

# Update the stackscript with whats in the repo
npm run deploy stackscript

# IP address of linode
npm run deploy ip

# Delete linode
npm run deploy delete

Rough Steps to Launch Each Year

For Entries

For Scores