This repository is a random smattering of functions I wrote for myself, but you can use them too.
devtools::install_github("brad-cannell/bfuncs", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Functions that help with writing functions, but on their own, don't produce any result that is useful for manipulating or analyzing data (think %>%).
Functions created specifically to help with simulations.
Functions that manipulate data in some way. But, in and of themselves, do not produce generally meaningful statistics of interest about the data.
Functions that take data as an input and produces some numerical summary or visualization about the data.
conf_matrix: create a confusion matrix.
freq_table: estimate percentages and 95 percent confidence intervals in dplyr pipelines
mean_table: estimate means and 95 percent confidence intervals in dplyr pipelines
tabstats: compact table of summary statistics for continuous variables.
Functions that help with assist with making the data itself, or the results of statistical analyses of the data, more accessible to people unfamiliar with the data (think tables and visualizations for publication).
codebook: create a codebook / data dictionary from a data frame.