bradcfisher / OctoPrint-ExcludeRegionPlugin

OctoPrint plugin that adds the ability to prevent printing within rectangular or circular regions of the currently active gcode file.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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OctoPrint - Exclude Region Plugin

Imagine starting a long running, multi-part print job only to have one of the parts fail half-way through. If you allow the job to continue, that big mess of spaghetti-like extrusions within the failed area are likely to get stuck to other pieces and lead to additional failures or blemishes on the other parts (not to mention wasted filament) as the print goes on.

The intent of this plugin is to provide a means to salvage multi-part prints where one (or more) of the parts has broken loose from the build plate or has otherwise become a worthless piece of failure. Instead of cancelling an entire job when only a portion is messed up, use this plugin to instruct OctoPrint to ignore any gcode commands executed within the area around the failure.

You can dynamically define rectangular or circular exclusion regions for the currently selected gcode file through OctoPrint's integrated gcode viewer, and those regions may be added or modified before, during, or even after printing.


Some things to note about this plugin:


Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:


Creating and modifying exclusion regions is done interactively using the "GCode Viewer" tab in OctoPrint.

Note that OctoPrint will not load Gcode files into the viewer if they are larger than the size configured for your browser platform (desktop or mobile). It may be necessary to update your configured limits to define regions for some files. You can increase the limit configuration in OctoPrint settings under Features -> GCODE Visualizer -> GCode Visualizer file size threshold.

Regions may be defined and modified anytime after a file is selected. If a new file is selected, any regions defined for the previous file will be removed.

Creating a New Region

Modifying a Region

Deleting a Region


The plugin currently utilizes the value of the standard G90/G91 overrides relative extruder mode feature, as well as providing several plugin-specific configuration options.

General Settings

Clear Exclude Regions When Print Completes

If this option is checked, then any excluded regions defined will be automatically removed when the current or next print either completes successfully, is cancelled, or fails.

When not checked, the excluded regions will be retained after printing stops. This is the default, and matches the behavior of previous versions of the plugin before this option was introduced.

Allow Deleting or Shrinking Regions while Printing

If checked, this option relaxes restrictions on modifying excluded regions while actively printing. Specifically, the plugin will allow excluded regions to be reduced in size, or even completely deleted during a print. Such modifications should be made with care, as they may increase the chance of print failure.

When the option isn't checked, deleting or reducing the size of an excluded region is not permitted while a print is active. It is considered a "safer" mode, as the plugin will prevent changing an exclusion region in a way that may cause printing to occur in midair due to previous exclusions preventing printing below. This is the default, and matches the behavior of previous versions of the plugin before this option was introduced.

Enter Exclude Region Gcode

A script of Gcode command(s) to execute each time an exclusion region is entered while printing.


M117 Excluding

Exit Exclude Region Gcode

A script of Gcode command(s) to execute each time an exclusion region is exited while printing.


M117 Printing again

Logging Mode

This setting controls where log messages generated by the plugin are written. Valid options are:

Note, that this only changes where the messages are written, and not which messages are output. To configure the logging level for the plugin, you can use OctoPrint's built in logging configuration settings. Simply add a new entry (or modify any existing one) under "Logging Levels" for "octoprint.plugins.excluderegion".

Extended Gcodes to Exclude

This configuration section allows you to define custom processing behaviors for specific Gcodes that are not otherwise interpreted by the plugin (see the Inspected Gcode Commands section below for a list of Gcodes that will not be affected by these settings).

If inside an excluded region, the commands defined here will be excluded from being processed when they are encountered. Depending on how they are configured, the command execution may be deferred until after the tool leaves the exclusion region. If commands are deferred for later processing using the First or Last options, they will be executed in the general order they are encountered. For the Merge option, the merged command will be executed at the position of the last instance encountered.

You can add a new entry at the bottom by entering a Gcode (e.g. "G4", "M204", etc), selecting the exclusion mode to apply, providing an optional description for the entry, and clicking the "+" button.

For existing entries, you can modify the exclusion mode or description, or delete the entry by clicking the trashcan button to prevent any special exclusion processing for the Gcode.

Each entry has the following properties:


A Gcode command to intercept when excluding (e.g. G4).


One of the following processing modes


Any description or comment you'd like to associate with the exclusion.

@-Command Actions

The plugin can react to specific @-commands embedded in the Gcode to control certain processing aspects. The main use case for this is to control enabling or disabling exclusion for specific sections of the file, such as start or end gcode.

You can add a new entry at the bottom by entering a Command (e.g. "ExcludeRegion", etc), a parameter pattern regular expression to match, the action to perform, providing an optional description for the entry, and clicking the "+" button.

For existing entries, you can modify the parameter pattern, action or description, or delete the entry by clicking the trashcan button.

Each entry has the following properties:


The name of the @-command name that should trigger the action. The name is provided without the leading @ symbol (e.g. ExcludeRegion, not @ExcludeRegion), and the matching is case-sensitive (e.g. ExcludeRegion is considered different than excluderegion).

Parameter Pattern

A regular expression pattern to match against the parameters provided with the @-command. The action will only be executed for the specified command if the provided parameters match this pattern.


One of the following actions to take when the specified @-Command is encountered.


Any description or comment you'd like to associate with the action.

How it Works

The plugin intercepts all Gcode commands sent to your 3D printer by OctoPrint while printing. By inspecting the commands, the plugin tracks the position of the extruder, and, if the extruder moves into an excluded region, certain Gcode commands will be modified or filtered by the plugin to prevent physical movement and extrusion within that region.

Inspected Gcode Commands

The Gcode commands listed in this section are always intercepted and interpreted by the plugin while a print is active. Since they are necessary for the plugin to function correctly, their behavior cannot be changed by the Extended Gcodes to Exclude configuration.

The following commands are inspected to update the tool position, and will generally not be transmitted to the printer if the tool is inside an excluded region. Retractions (G0/G1 with a negative extrusion value or G10/G11 firmware retractions) may be processed within an excluded region to ensure that the filament position is in the expected state when exiting the region.

G0 [X Y Z E F] - Linear move
G1 [X Y Z E F] - Linear move
G2 [E F R X Y Z] or G2 [E F I J X Y Z] - Clockwise Arc
G3 [E F R X Y Z] or G3 [E F I J X Y Z] - Counter-Clockwise Arc
G10 - Firmware retract (only if no P or L parameter.  If P (tool number) or L (offset mode) is
      provided, the command is assumed to be a tool/workspace offset and the command is passed
      through unfiltered)
G11 - Firmware unretract

Additionally, the following commands are inspected to maintain the current tool position, but they are not modified or dropped by the plugin.

G20 - Set units to inches
G21 - Set units to mm
G28 [X Y Z] - Home axis
G90 - Absolute positioning mode
G91 - Relative positioning mode
G92 [X Y Z E] - Set current position
M206 [P T X Y Z] - Set home offsets

Extended Gcode commands

The behavior for the commands in this section may be modified in the plugin settings under the "Extended Gcodes to Exclude" section.

G4 - dwell / delay

By default, delay commands are ignored when inside an excluded region to reduce oozing.

M73 - Set Print Progress
M204 - Set accelerations
M205 - Set advanced settings

By default, M73, M204 and M205 are tracked while excluding, but only the last value set for each parameter is processed after exiting the excluded area. This behavior is intended to reduce the amount of communication with the printer while processing excluded commands to minimize processing delays and oozing.

M117 - Set LCD Message

By default, LCD messages are suppressed while excluding, and the last message encountered is output when exiting an excluded area. This behavior is intended to reduce the amount of communication with the printer while processing excluded commands to minimize processing delays and oozing.

@-Command Actions

The behavior for the commands in this section may be modified in the plugin settings under the "@-Command Actions" section.

@ExcludeRegion disable
@ExcludeRegion off

By default, the plugin will respond to an @ExcludeRegion disable (or @ExcludeRegion off) command by disabling exclusion processing. If exclusion is already disabled, this will have no effect. However, if exclusion is currently enabled, the plugin will stop filtering subsequent Gcode commands against the defined exclusion regions. Additionally, if exclusion is currently occurring, that exclusion will be immediately ended.

This command is useful to disable exclusion processing at the beginning of start and end Gcode scripts.

The default configuration for this command permits specifying additional arguments following the disable/off parameter keyword. For example: @ExcludeRegion disable Before start Gcode. This is purely for documentation/logging purposes and is otherwise ignored by the plugin.

@ExcludeRegion enable
@ExcludeRegion on

By default, the plugin will respond to an @ExcludeRegion enable (or @ExcludeRegion on) command by enabling exclusion. If exclusion is already enabled, this will have no effect. However, if exclusion is disabled, exclusion will be re-enabled and any subsequent Gcode commands will be processed against any defined exclusion regions.

This command is useful to re-enable exclusion processing at the end of start and end Gcode scripts.

The default configuration for this command permits specifying additional arguments following the enable/on parameter keyword. For example: @ExcludeRegion enable After start Gcode. This is purely for documentation/logging purposes and is otherwise ignored by the plugin.


Thanks to the following for contributing enhancements to the code