This repo is a mirror of the Go Issue Tracker.
The goal is to permit offline access and more powerful searches. It also doesn't take any quota to query this way.
To use it:
package main
import (
func main() {
root, err := issues.Open()
if err != nil {
is, err := root.Issue(1234)
log.Printf("Issue: %#v, %v", is, err)
c, err := root.IssueComment(1234, 66053086)
log.Printf("Comment: %#v, %v", c, err)
root.ForeachIssue(func(is *github.Issue) error {
log.Printf("Issue %d: %v", *is.Number, *is.Title)
root.ForeachIssueComment(*is.Number, func(c *github.IssueComment) error {
log.Printf(" comment from %v at %v", *c.User.Login, *c.CreatedAt)
return nil
return nil
There is also a program that will display the issues in your browser.
It will work when offline. Install it with
go get -u
then run servegoissues
and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.