bradoyler / dashub

A "js only" Github issue dashboard using Ember.js
MIT License
12 stars 1 forks source link


a heads-up display for agile teams using github issues

DasHub is a tool to make GitHub Issues more visible and manageable to teams using Github for issue tracking

It uses Ember App Kit (EAK), which aims to be the foundation for ambitious web applications built with Ember. It's intended to be used either on its own or as the base scaffolding for projects using Ember Tools, generator-ember and a hypothetical official executable at some point in the future.

Try it

Get it running :running:

  1. Install node.js from
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Inside the project directory, run npm install
  4. Install grunt-cli globally: sudo npm -g install grunt-cli
  5. npm install -g bower
  6. bower install
  7. gem install bundler
  8. bundle install
  9. Run grunt server to get a local development server running
  10. The app will be running at

Deploy to Github pages :boom:

assumes u cloned this repo and master is up-to-date

  1. $ git checkout gh-pages
  2. $ git merge master
  3. $ grunt ghpages
  4. $ git add .
  5. $ git commit -am 'github deploy'
  6. $ git push origin gh-pages

Contribute (2 ways)

  1. Submit a Pull request (we won't judge you)
  2. Star this repo. It helps encourage more contributions. :clap:

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