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Brainhack Proceedings

Welcome to the Brainhack Proceedings Website Repository! :bookmark_tabs: :pen:

Brainhack Proceedings is a community driven, free and open publication venue, that aims to host stories as the output of your Brainhack Hackathons, Outcomes, Projects, Education (HOPE) and we are open to the contributions from community for being authors, reviewers and developers to build and run the Brainhack Proceedings all together.

This repository is organized to host the necessary files for the main Brainhack Proceeding website

If you would like to get more information about the paper submission and review processes, author and contributor guidelines, and Code of Conduct, please check our Brainhack Proceedings Guidelines.

If you would like to participate in the discussions please join our public Brainhack Proceedings Mattermost channel

If you would like to get more information from us please send an email to brainhackorg[at]gmail[dot]org.