braini75 / msproject_import

Redmine-Plugin: XML-Task-Importer for MS Project
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Error: ["Assignee can't be blank"] #8

Closed donalby closed 8 years ago

donalby commented 8 years ago

Getting this error on my redmine setup. Redmine on bitnami stack, version Environment: Redmine version 2.5.2.stable Ruby version 2.0.0-p481 (2014-05-08) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 3.2.19 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 MS Project 2013 (exported to XML)

Going to start trawling logs but said I'd port here just in case it's something I've missed or been stupid about

donalby commented 8 years ago

Following is the log excerpt that I've found for when I try the import: Issue in Project: gives Error: ["Assignee can't be blank"] Rendered plugins/msproject_import/app/views/msproj_imp/analyze.html.erb within layouts/base (2.4ms) Rendered inline template (0.7ms) Rendered plugins/scrum/app/views/scrum_hooks/_head.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered plugins/clipboard_image_paste/app/views/clipboard_image_paste/_headers.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered plugins/clipboard_image_paste/app/views/clipboard_image_paste/_add_form.html.erb (2.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 4652.5ms (Views: 49.9ms | ActiveRecord: 13.8ms)

braini75 commented 8 years ago

It seems to me, that you are not allowed to create unassigned issues, right? Though the Problem is, that the plugin will leave issues unassigned if no matching user ist found.