= Redmine-Plugin: XML-Task-Importer MS Project == Requirements Redmine 2.x, 3.x
== What you get: The plugin creates one root-ticket (task) into te current project, which holds the other (sub)tasks as subtickets.
Right now the plugin only imports tasks from the XML-file. If the resources are persons it tries to match them with registered redmine users. If no matching user is found, a warning is produced, but the import is still possible – in this case the resulting ticket will not have an owner.
== What is imported: Task.Name, start_date, finish_date, create_date, duration, done_ratio, priority, predecessor, notes
== Installation
1) go to {REDMINE_ROOT}/plugin
2) Intall: git clone https://github.com/braini75/msproject_import.git 3) Restart the redmine service. E.g. service apache2 restart 4) enjoy!
== Usage To use this Plugin you have to enable the module (Project -> Settings -> Modules) in your project.
== Configuration: You can setup permission for "Msproject import" with the Administration->"Roles and permissions" page. You can change the default tracker at the plugin configuration page.