brainlife / app-tractographyQualityCheck

Compute many statistics from your input tractogram and any (optionally input) associated classification structure. These statistics can be used to facilitate quality assurance on your tractography and segmentation, or as part of subject/group level quantative analysis for a research project. See the output section of README.MD for more details.
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Error indexing array elements #6

Open bacaron opened 4 years ago

bacaron commented 4 years ago

Recently encountered this error on tractography quality check:

Index exceeds the number of array elements (2). Error in wma_classificationStrucGrouping>@(x)x(1:length(removalVec{iRemoveLabels})) (line 33) Error in wma_classificationStrucGrouping (line 33) Error in main (line 410) MATLAB:badsubscript

soichih commented 4 years ago

Do you have a classification.mat you could share that can reproduce this? @DanNBullock Is this caused by "invalid" tract name/labels?