brainlife / app-tractographyQualityCheck

Compute many statistics from your input tractogram and any (optionally input) associated classification structure. These statistics can be used to facilitate quality assurance on your tractography and segmentation, or as part of subject/group level quantative analysis for a research project. See the output section of README.MD for more details.
MIT License
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This app computes a number of statistics about your input tractogram and any (optionally input) associated White Matter Classification (WMC) structure. These statistics can be used to facilitate quality assurance on your tractography and segmentation, or as part of subject/group level quantative analysis for a research project. See the output section for a detailed description of the measures computed.



Project Director


NSF-BCS-1734853 NSF-BCS-1636893 NSF-ACI-1916518 NSF-IIS-1912270 NIH-NIBIB-R01EB029272 NIMH-T32-5T32MH103213-05


Avesani, P., McPherson, B., Hayashi, S. et al. The open diffusion data derivatives, brain data upcycling via integrated publishing of derivatives and reproducible open cloud services. Sci Data 6, 69 (2019).

Running the App



Visit this site to run this app on the platform. Minimally requires a tractogram. Can also be augmented with a LiFE input and/or a White Matter Classification (WMC) structure object to perform statistical analyes relevant to the LiFE fit and/or segmentation.

Running Locally (on your machine) using singularity & docker

Because this is compiled code which runs on singularity, you can download the repo and run it locally with minimal setup.

Running Locally (on your machine)

Pull the WMA toolkit repo

Ensure that the packages listed under 'adding paths' are avaialble on your local environment.

Run: this function, but take care to ensure that the addpath-genpath statements are relevant to your local setup.

Utilize a config.json setup that is analagous to the one contained within this repo, listed as a sample.

Sample Datasets

Visit and explore the following data sets to find viable classification and tractography inputs:

HCP classificaiton

HCP tractography


There are three outputs generated by this application:


a csv output from the quality check app which displays the following traits for each tract:

Column header Description
TractName The name of this tract
Code Link: NA
StreamlineCount The number of streamlines in this tract
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volume The volume occupied by this tract (presented in cubic mm)
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averageStreamlineLength The mean streamline length of this tract
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streamlineLengthStdev The standard deviation of streamline lengths for this tract
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averageFullDisplacement The average distance between streamline endpoints for this tract
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fullDisplacementStdev The standard deviation of distances between streamline endpoints for this tract
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ExponentialFitA The (a) parameter when fitting y=a^(b*x) for the whole brain distribution of fiber lengths. Only ever computed for the whole brain tractography (i.e. is empty for all non "whole brain" tracts)
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ExponentialFitB The (b) parameter when fitting y=a^(b*x) for the whole brain distribution of fiber lengths. Only ever computed for the whole brain tractography (i.e. is empty for all non "whole brain" tracts)
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StreamlineLengthTotal The sum total of streamline lengths for this tract (i.e. total wiring)
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endpoint1Density* The density of the endpoint mask associated with the right/superior/anterior-most (whichever is most appropriate for this tract) collection of terminations for this tract. Computes the number of endpoints per occupied (by endpoints from this group) 1mm cubic voxel.
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Endpoint2Density* The density of the endpoint mask associated with the left/inferior/posterior-most (whichever is most appropriate for this tract) collection of terminations for this tract. Computes the number of endpoints per occupied (by endpoints from this group) 1mm cubic voxel.
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AverageEndpointDistanceFromCentroid1* The average distance of a streamline endpoint within the right/superior/anterior-most group from the centroid of this group. Computed as the euclidean distance from the average coordinate of this group. Considered to be a measure of streamline endpoint dispersion.
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AverageEndpointDistanceFromCentroid2* The average distance of a streamline endpoint within the left/inferior/posterior-most group from the centroid of this group. Computed as the euclidean distance from the average coordinate of this group. Considered to be a measure of streamline endpoint dispersion.
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stdevOfEndpointDistanceFromCentroid1* The standard deviation of the distances of a streamline endpoint within the right/superior/anterior-most group from the centroid of this group. Computed as the euclidean distance from the average coordinate of this group.
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stdevEndpointDistanceFromCentroid2* The standard deviation of the distances of a streamline endpoint within the left/inferior/posterior-most group from the centroid of this group. Computed as the euclidean distance from the average coordinate of this group.
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MidpointDensity The density of the midpoint mask associated for this tract. Computes the number of midpoints per occupied (by midpoints) 1mm cubic voxel.
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averageMidpointDistanceFromCentroid The average distance of a streamline midpoint from the centroid of this group. Computed as the euclidean distance from the average coordinate of this group.
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stDevOfMidpointDistanceFromCentroid The standard deviation of the distances of a streamline midpoint from the centroid of this group. Computed as the euclidean distance from the average coordinate of this group.
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TotalVolumeProportion The proportion of the total white matter volume occupied by this tract. Intended to control for variability in brain size.
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TotalCountProportion The proportion of the total number of streamlines associated with tract. Intended to control for variability in input tractogram size (i.e. whole brain streamline total).
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TotalWiringProportion The proportion of the total streamline length accounted for by streamlines associated with this tract.
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*endpoint membership in either the left/inferior/posterior-most (LIP) or right/superior/anterior-most (RAS) group is determined by the following process:

  1. computing the primary dimension of traversal for a tract (i.e. left-right, inferior-superior, anterior-posterior) by determining which dimension exhibits the greatest displacement for the given tract.
  2. Once this dimension has been determined, the relevant coordinates (x, y, or z) of the streamline's endpoints are checked to determine determine LIP or RAS membership


An svg image output from the quality check app with the following plots:

Figure title X axis quantity Y axis quantity Description
"Normalized WBFG & NonZero Weighted Stream Count Comparison" streamline length (in mm) whole brain proportion of the streamline count This plot depicts the proportion of streamlines (out of all those in the whole brain fiber group) that are of a certain length. The dark blue line corresponds to the input whole brain tractogram, while the light blue line corresponds to the line of best fit using an exponential model (y=a^(b*x)). The relevant parameters can be noted in the grey column on the left.
"Cumulative proportion of fibers in connectome, by length" streamline length (in mm) total proportion of streamlines This plot depicts the total proportion of streamlines that are equal to or less than the specified length.
"Classified Streamline proportion Comparison: WBFG & Surviving" streamline length (in mm) total proportion of classified streamlines Similar to the first plot, but only computes proportions for classified streamlines. Proportion is relative to all classified streamlines.
"Log10 of proportion of connectome streamlines in tract" tract names log10 of the percentage of the total number of streamlines in whole brain fiber group For all identified tracts in the input white matter classification (WMC) structure this plot indicates the percentage (scaled in log10) of all streamlines in the whole brain fiber group that are associated with this specific tract.For tracts which have left and right variants, left is plotted in blue and right is plotted in orange. For tracts which do not have left and right variants (i.e. are interhemispheric) the default color is blue.
"Proportion of white matter volume occupied by tract" tract names Portion of white matter occupied (by percent) For all identified tracts in the input white matter classification (WMC) structure this plot indicates the percentage of the total white matter volume occupied by each respective tract. For tracts which have left and right variants, left is plotted in blue and right is plotted in orange. For tracts which do not have left and right variants (i.e. are interhemispheric) the default color is blue.

raw, quantative output

A tiered, field based .mat structure with the metrics included in the tractmeasures.csv , along with additional metrics. Generated as an output from the quality check app. Below the metrics not included in the tractmeasures.csv are described.

Note: statistics listed immediately below are those within the field contents of results.WBFG and are specific to the associated whole brain fiber group, and are thus computed across all streamlines in the associated** whole brain fiber group**. The exception is the tractStats field, which will be described in a separate table immediately following this one.

Fieldname (within results.WBFG) Description
avgefficiencyRat(average efficiency ratio) This quantity is the average efficiency ratio for all streamlines in the entire whole brain fiber group. For a given streamline this is computed by dividing the streamline's displacement (see description in tractmeasures.csv section) by that same streamline's length. Thus this value approaches 1 as a streamline approaches being shaped like a straight line, and approaches 0 as a streamline approaches being shaped like a full circuit.
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stDevefficiencyRat(standard deviation of efficiency ratio) This quantity is the standard deviation of the efficiency ratio for all streamlines in the entire whole brain fiber group.
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avgAsymRat(average asymmetry ratio) This quantity is the average asymmetry ratio for all streamlines in the entire whole brain fiber group. In essence, for a given streamline, it is the square of the differences between the efficiency ratios for the respective halves of a streamline. Thus, as a streamline's asymmetry ratio approaches the maximum of 1, it indicates that one half has an efficiency ratio of 0, and resembles a full circuit, while the other half has an efficiency ratio of 1 and resembles a straight line. On the other hand, as a streamline's asymmetry ratio approaches the minimum of 0, the difference between the two halves' efficiency ratios approach 0, and are thus presumed to more closely resemble one another, at least within the domain of wiring efficiency.
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stdDevAsymRat(standard deviation of asymmetry ratio) This quantity is the standard deviation of the asymmetry ratio for all streamlines in the entire whole brain fiber group.
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volLengthRatio(volume length ratio) The ratio of the total wiring length for all streamlines in the whole brain fiber group to the total white matter volume of the whole brain fiber group (i.e. in this case, simply the total volume of the white matter)
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lengthCounts A 1x299 long vector wherein the ith entry corresponds to the number of streamlines such that i≤[streamline length]<i+1
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LengthProps A 1x299 long vector wherein the ith entry corresponds to the proportion of the total number of streamlines such that i≤[streamline length]<i+1
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LengthData The computed length for each streamline in the whole brain fiber group.
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tractStats A 1 by N cell structure, wherein each cell entry corresponds to the output of a quantitative analysis for a specific tract. The ith entry in this cell structure corresponds to the tract specified in the ith entry in the classification.names field of the associated classification structure.
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Note: statistics listed immediately below are those within the field contents of results.WBFG.tractStats{1,i}, where i corresponds the tract specified in the ith entry in the classification.names field of the associated classification structure. The quantifications described below are specific to their associated tract. Omitted from these descriptions are quantifications which have been described either for the tractmeasures.csv data object or the results.WBFG field. In cases where the quantification has previously been described within the context of a measurement of a whole brain fiber group, the quantification is to be understood to represent the same general concept, but to characterize a specific tract in these cases.

Fieldname (within results.WBFG.tractStats{1,i}) Description
endpointVolume1 The volume of the endpoint mask associated with the right/superior/anterior-most (whichever is most appropriate for this tract) collection of terminations for this tract.
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endpointVolume2 The volume of the endpoint mask associated with the left/inferior/posterior-most (whichever is most appropriate for this tract) collection of terminations for this tract.
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avgEndpointCoord1 The centroid of the endpoints associated with the right/superior/anterior-most end of this tract. Computed as the average coordinate of this group.
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avgEndpointCoord2 The centroid of the endpoints associated with the left/inferior/posterior-most end of this tract. Computed as the average coordinate of this group.
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midpointVolume The volume of the endpoint mask associated with the midpoints of streamlines associated with this tract.
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avgMidpointCoord The centroid of the midpoints of streamlines associated with this tract. Computed as the average coordinate of this group.
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results.WBFG.tractStats{1,i}.endpointVolume1Prop The proportion of the total white matter volume occupied by this endpoint mask associated with the right/superior/anterior-most (whichever is most appropriate for this tract) collection of terminations for this tract. Intended to control for variability in brain size.
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results.WBFG.tractStats{1,i}.endpointVolume2Prop The proportion of the total white matter volume occupied by this endpoint mask associated with the left/inferior/posterior-most (whichever is most appropriate for this tract) collection of terminations for this tract. Intended to control for variability in brain size.
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results.WBFG.tractStats{1,i}.midpointVolumeProp The proportion of the total white matter volume occupied by this endpoint mask associated with the midpoints of streamlines associated with this tract. Intended to control for variability in brain size.
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Currently not implimented


This App only requires singularity, and in order to load the tck, a verson of vistasoft.
(Click here to learn more about installing singularity)

Release Notes


Updated the neuro/tractmeasure output column name to use "structureID" instead of "TractName" to adheare to neuro/tractmeasure datatype specification