brandcolors / feedback

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This is the place to suggest color additions or updates, report bugs, or pitch ideas for BrandColors. Create an issue and we'll talk.

How to find colors

I prefer to source colors from official documentation created by brands themselves — identity guidelines, brand resource pages, etc. If you're looking for a brand colors, some great search terms are:

If a quick Google doesn't turn up something immediately, you might try looking on the About and Press pages on the brand's website.

If you can't find documentation, logos are another good option. I particularly like color values from a SVG logo on a Wikipedia page. If you use a color, please do not use a color picker app to pick from your web browser. Many web browsers (Chrome especially) are bad about altering colors on the pages they display. Copy the image into Photoshop (or similar) image editor and pick from the color picker there.

A few additional notes:

Follow @brandcolors and @designbombs on Twitter.