brasov2de / ColorfulOptionsetGrid

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The family of ColorfulOptionset Controls has a new member: ColorfulOptionsetGrid. Using this control, you can show the OptionsSets using the colors customized using the standard experience. The Grid is not limited to showing the color "with a dot". You can choose from different possibities: with/no icon of your choice, whowing a border or a filled box. Starting with the release 8, the ColorfulOptionsetGrid works also for Boolean/TwoOptions and for MultiSelectOptionset/MultiSelectPicklist.

ColorfulOptionsetGrid ColorfulOptionsetGrid

For now the control is only for ModelDriven apps, but as soon the CanvasAPps geht more stable, I intend to extend the control.


The most important parameters are:

If you need more control, you can define up to 3 columns which should be displayed "colorful" (optionset1, optionset2, optionset3 ). For each of them you can specify the values "iconConfig1", "iconConfig2", "iconConfig3" (the number of the config is corresponding to the optionset number)

Customizing possibilities:

Default - all OptionSets as Icons

The default is showing the "Dots" for all the columns that are of type "OptionSet". Default To achieve this you only have to attach the PCF to your view. If you want to change the icon, just change the "Default Icon name" parameter to another icon. DefaultConfig

Colorful border and icon

ColorfulBorderAndIcon To have a colorful border and an icon you need the parameter combination:

Colorul background and icon

ColorfulBorderAndIcon To have a colorful border and an icon you need the parameter combination:

Only Icon

ColorfulBorderAndIcon For this option, choose "Display text type": "No decoration"

No Icon

Here you have two possibilities: the text with border, or the text with background. Similar to above, but choose "Icon definition" to "No icon" ColorfulBorderAndIcon ColorfulBorderAndIcon

No Text

In this case only the icon will be shown, while the text will be visible only in the tooltip. In this case, the width of the column defined in the customizing will be overridden, because we don't need that much space. But the remaining space will be distributed to all columns, so it can happend that the column is still wider. NoText Unfortunatelly there is no possibility to set this option on each optionset (would get too complicated to customize). In case you choose this option, it will apply to all optionset columns.

Screenshots for all data types: optionset/multiple optionset/boolean



All data types


Dor Border


Icons configuration

When the default icon is not enough, and you have to specify another icon per column, or in case you want to specify an icon per Optionset value, you need to define first the columns. You can specify up to 3 columns. Then the other columns will be ignored, and shown without colors. DefineColumns

After you defined the column for "Optionset 1", the you can use the "iconConfig1" in order to define the icons. This can be the name of the icon, or you can use a JSON configuration for this. DefineColumns If each value needs another icon, the you can paste a JSON in this field containing : "value" : {icon, color}.

{"434350002": {"icon": "Sad"}, "434350001": {"icon": "EmojiNeutral"}, "434350000":{"icon":"Emoji2"}, "434350003":{ "color": "black"}}

Icon and color doesn't have to be both defined. You can specify only the icon or only the color. Actually the color shouldn't be necessary at this point. I intend to have it more for CanvasApps later on.

If you want to define the configuration for a boolean (two option) column, you need to define for values "0" - false and "1" - true. So boolean configurations could look like this:

{"0": {"icon": "Sad"}, "1":{"icon":"Emoji2"}}

❗ The input length is limited to 100 char for now. So only a short JSON will pass. The next step will be to introduce the 3rd possibility for "Icon definition": "Environment variables". There the place is not limited, while they are solution aware.

If you need more columns, you can define "Optionset 2" and "iconConfig2" parameters. Proceed with the 3rs attribute, if needed.

❗ If only "Optionset x" is defined, but not the "iconConfig x", then the "Default icon name" will be used.

Editable version

Starting with the release 9, you can make the boolean (two option) columns editable. To do that, just choose the "Editable" option in the PCF customizing. The default will be "Read only" ConfigEditable The user will get a visual feedback for the cells which are editable. Editable

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