Server for ratios between fiats and alts
git pull
yarn install
yarn start
Might need to use specific node version nvm use 14.17.0
yarn test
before anything else you must do the following steps
yarn run docker-build # build the containers
yarn run docker-up-dbs # bring the dbs up
yarn run docker-migrate-dbs # migrate the dbs
yarn run docker-fill-dbs # fill the dbs with data
# optionally
yarn run docker-up # brings server up
yarn run dev
to access the documentation visit /v1/documentation/
After running
yarn run docker-migrate-up
login to the db with
psql postgres://ratios:password@localhost:5010/ratios
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(kubectl --context bsg-sandbox \
-n ratios-staging \
get secrets/env -o json | \
jq -r '.data.TOKEN_LIST' | \
base64 -d | \
jq -j -R 'split(",")|.[0]'
)" \