brave / go-sync

Brave sync server v2
Mozilla Public License 2.0
195 stars 48 forks source link

Brave Sync Server v2

A sync server implemented in go to communicate with Brave sync clients using components/sync/protocol/sync.proto. Current Chromium version for sync protocol buffer files used in this repo is Chromium 116.0.5845.183.

This server supports endpoints as bellow.

Currently we use dynamoDB as the datastore, the schema could be found in schema/dynamodb/table.json.

Developer Setup

  1. Install Go 1.22
  2. Install GolangCI-Lint
  3. Install gowrap
  4. Clone this repo
  5. Install protobuf protocol compiler if you need to compile protobuf files, which could be built using make protobuf.
  6. Build via make

Local development using Docker and DynamoDB Local

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run make docker
  3. Run make docker-up
  4. To connect to your local server from a Brave browser client use --sync-url="http://localhost:8295/v2"
  5. For running unit tests, run make docker-test

Updating protocol definitions

  1. Copy the .proto files from components/sync/protocol in chromium to schema/protobuf/sync_pb in go-sync.
  2. Copy the .proto files from components/sync/protocol in brave-core to schema/protobuf/sync_pb in go-sync.
  3. Run make repath-proto to set correct import paths in .proto files.
  4. Run make proto-go-module to add the go_module option to .proto files.
  5. Run make protobuf to generate the Go code from .proto definitions.

Prometheus Instrumentation

The instrumented datastore and redis interfaces are generated, providing integration with Prometheus. The following will re-generate the instrumented code, required when updating protocl definitions:

make instrumented

Changes to datastore/datastore.go or cache/cache.go should be followed with the above command.