braydenanderson2014 / C-Arduino-Libraries

This repository contains C++ and Arduino Libraries that are lightweight and easy to use. All libraries were created/mimicked by me and chatgpt.
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 0 forks source link


All Libraries are contained under the lib folder. For Best Editing Results, Open Parent folder this File is contained inside. This will make the whole Project Available to check out. The src folder contains the main project main.cpp that you can use to test the Libraries. Follow the directions for the Libraries to import them into your project and set them up correctly. Down below is a list of all Libraries and their status's. You can use the list to go directly to each Libraries infromation. It should be identical to the readme files contained inside each library folder.


Most Libraries have been [PARTIALLY-TESTED], or [MOSTLY-TESTED]. However even the libraries that are [STABLE] or [CONSIDERED-STABLE] may have Unknown Bugs. If you Run Across any Bugs or have a question about the library, Please raise an issue report so I can look into it.

Please Note, some of these libraries have different names then their published counterparts. For example, (Properties) is published as -> SimpleProperties... These are Noted below in the List of available Libraries.

List of All Available Libraries ## [WARNING]: Tested/Partially Tested BY AUTHOR

Total Available Libraries: (40) Total Libraries: (43)


  2. [SimpleThreadManager]() [ACTIVE-DEVELOPMENT], [UNPUBLISHED]


ACTIVELY TESTING ON LISTED LIBRARIES (Perforing Basic Tests On the Library):

  1. MyDictionary [TESTING]
  10. InitializerList [ACTIVE-DEVELOPMENT], [TESTING]
  12. KDimensionalTree [ACTIVE-DEVELOPMENT], [TESTING]


UNPUBLISHED (In Development) (Not yet Documented)

========================================================== [WARNING]: NO DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE YET &&|| UNTESTED BY AUTHOR

  2. [SimpleThreadManager]() [ACTIVE-DEVELOPMENT], [UNPUBLISHED]


PlatformIO Leaderboard for these Libraries (Out of /13,940 Libraries on the Platform) UPDATED 03/22/2024 11:11am Mountain

Library Name: Position (Increase or Decrease) Downloads Month-To-Date, Total Downloads

Dictionary Class

The Dictionary class is a C++ template class that provides a basic interface for implementing dictionaries (associative arrays) in your code. It allows you to store and manipulate key-value pairs, similar to a dictionary or a map in other programming languages.


The Dictionary class is designed to be a base class for implementing dictionaries with different data types for keys and values. It defines a set of abstract methods that must be implemented by derived classes to provide specific functionality for storing and retrieving key-value pairs.

Abstract Methods

The following abstract methods must be implemented in derived classes:


The choice of iterator (e.g., input_iterator_tag) can be adapted to your specific requirements and usage of the Dictionary. You may choose to use other iterators like forward_iterator, bidirectional_iterator, or random_access_iterator based on your needs.


To use the Dictionary class, follow these steps:

  1. Create a derived class from Dictionary with specific data types for keys and values.
  2. Implement the abstract methods defined in the Dictionary class in your derived class.
  3. Use your derived class to create dictionary objects and perform key-value operations.


Here's an example of how to create a derived dictionary class and use it:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iterator.h>

// Define a derived class from Dictionary with specific key and value types
class MyDictionary : public Dictionary<int, std::string> {
    // Implement the abstract methods of the Dictionary class
    // ...

    // Example custom methods for your dictionary
    // ...

    // Constructor and Destructor
    MyDictionary() {}
    virtual ~MyDictionary() {}

int main() {
    // Create an instance of your derived dictionary class
    MyDictionary dict;

    // Use dictionary methods to add, retrieve, and remove key-value pairs
    // ...

    return 0;

Hashtable Class

The Hashtable class is a C++ template class that provides an implementation of a hash table for storing key-value pairs. It allows you to efficiently store and retrieve data using keys, similar to a dictionary or map in other programming languages.


The Hashtable class is designed to offer a dynamic and scalable hash table with the following features:

Key Features


To use the Hashtable class, follow these steps:

  1. Include the Hashtable.h header in your C++ program.
  2. Create an instance of the Hashtable class with specific data types for keys and values.
  3. Use the provided methods to add, retrieve, or remove key-value pairs from the hash table.


Here's an example of how to use the Hashtable class:

#include <Hashtable.h>

int main() {
    Hashtable<int, std::string> dictionary;

    // Add key-value pairs to the hash table
    dictionary.put(1, "One");
    dictionary.put(2, "Two");
    dictionary.put(3, "Three");

    // Retrieve values using keys
    String value = dictionary.get(2);
    Serial.println("Value for key 2: " + value);

    // Remove a key-value pair

    // Check if the hash table is empty
    if (dictionary.isEmpty()) {
       Serial.println("Hash table is empty.");
    } else {
        Serial.println("Hash table is not empty.")

    return 0;

iostream Class

The iostream class is a C++ class designed for simple input and output operations in embedded systems using Arduino. It provides methods for printing messages to the serial monitor, LCD displays (both standard and I2C), and saving/loading data to/from an SD card. This class aims to simplify common input and output tasks when working with Arduino-based projects.



To use the iostream class, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary libraries (Arduino.h, LiquidCrystal_I2C.h, LiquidCrystal.h, Wire.h, SD.h) in your Arduino sketch.
  2. Create an instance of the iostream class to perform input and output operations.
  3. Use the provided methods to perform specific input and output tasks, such as printing messages or saving/loading data.


Here's an example of how to use the iostream class for basic input and output operations:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include "iostream.h"

// Create an instance of the iostream class
iostream cout;

void setup() {
    // Initialize serial communication

    // Initialize SD card
    if (!SD.begin(10)) {
        cout.println("SD card initialization failed!");

    // Initialize LCD display
    LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // Adjust the I2C address and dimensions as needed

    // Print messages to various outputs
    cout.print("Hello, Serial Monitor!");
    cout.printLCD("Hello, LCD!", lcd, 0, true);
    cout.printI2CLCD("This message is too long for the LCD and will scroll.", lcd, 1, true);

    // Save data to a file
    bool saved = cout.saveToFile("data.txt", "This is sample data.");
    if (saved) {
        cout.println("Data saved to file successfully.");
    } else {
        cout.println("Failed to save data to file.");

    // Load data from a file
    char buffer[128];
    bool loaded = cout.loadFromFile("data.txt", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    if (loaded) {
        cout.print("Loaded data from file: ");
    } else {
        cout.println("Failed to load data from file.");

void loop() {
    // Your main code here

Iterator Class

The Iterator class is a C++ template class that provides an abstract interface for creating iterators. Iterators are commonly used in C++ for traversing and manipulating data structures like arrays, linked lists, and containers. This class defines the core methods necessary for creating custom iterators.


To use the Iterator class, follow these steps:

  1. Include the Iterator header file in your C++ program.
  2. Define a class that implements the Iterator interface for your specific data structure or container.
  3. Implement the required methods: operator*, operator++, and operator!=.
  4. Use the custom iterator class to traverse and manipulate your data structure.


Here's an example of how to define and use an iterator class using the Iterator interface:

#include <iostream>
#include "Iterator.h"

// Define a custom data structure (e.g., a linked list)
template <typename T>
class MyLinkedList {
    struct Node {
        T data;
        Node* next;
        Node(T val) : data(val), next(nullptr) {}

    Node* head;

    MyLinkedList() : head(nullptr) {}

    // Add elements to the linked list (not shown here)

    // Iterator class for MyLinkedList
    class LinkedListIterator : public Iterator<T> {
        Node* current;

        LinkedListIterator(Node* start) : current(start) {}

        // Implement the operator* to get the current element
        T& operator*() override {
            return current->data;

        // Implement the operator++ to move to the next element
        LinkedListIterator& operator++() override {
            if (current) {
                current = current->next;
            return *this;

        // Implement the operator!= to compare iterators
        bool operator!=(const Iterator<T>& other) const override {
            const LinkedListIterator& otherIterator = static_cast<const LinkedListIterator&>(other);
            return current != otherIterator.current;

    // Get an iterator for the linked list
    LinkedListIterator begin() {
        return LinkedListIterator(head);

    LinkedListIterator end() {
        return LinkedListIterator(nullptr);

int main() {
    MyLinkedList<int> myList;

    // Add elements to myList (not shown here)

    // Use the custom iterator to traverse the linked list
    for (auto it = myList.begin(); it != myList.end(); ++it) {
        std::cout << *it << " ";

    return 0;

Properties Class

The Properties class is a C++ class that provides a simple key-value store for managing properties. It allows you to store and retrieve key-value pairs, save properties to an SD card, load properties from an SD card, and perform other operations commonly used for managing configurations and settings.


To use the Properties class, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header files (Properties.h and Hashtable.h) in your C++ program.
  2. Create an instance of the Properties class.
  3. Use the provided methods to set, get, remove, or manipulate properties as needed.

Here's an example of how to use the Properties class:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include "Properties.h"

Properties myProperties;

void setup() {
    // Initialize SD card (make sure SD card is properly connected)
    if (!SD.begin(4)) {
        Serial.println("Failed to initialize SD card.");

void loop() {
    // Set a property
    myProperties.setProperty("name", "John");

    // Get a property
    String name = myProperties.getProperty("name");
    Serial.println("Name: " + name);

    // Check if a property exists
    bool hasAge = myProperties.containsKey("age");
    Serial.println("Property 'age' exists: " + String(hasAge ? "Yes" : "No"));

    // Remove a property

    // Check if the properties are empty
    bool isEmpty = myProperties.isEmpty();
    Serial.println("Properties are empty: " + String(isEmpty ? "Yes" : "No"));


SimpleVector Class

The SimpleVector class is a C++ template class that provides a dynamic array-like data structure. It allows you to create, manage, and manipulate sequences of elements of any data type.



To use the SimpleVector class, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header file (SimpleVector.h) in your C++ program.
  2. Create an instance of the SimpleVector class, specifying the data type of the elements you want to store.

Here's an example of how to use the SimpleVector class:

#include <iostream>
#include "SimpleVector.h"

int main() {
    // Create a SimpleVector of integers
    SimpleVector<int> intVector;

    // Add elements to the vector

    // Access elements using subscript operator
    int element = intVector[1];
    std::cout << "Element at index 1: " << element << std::endl;

    // Remove an element

    // Get the current size of the vector
    std::cout << "Vector size: " << intVector.size() << std::endl;

    // Iterate over the elements using an iterator
    SimpleVector<int>::SimpleVectorIterator it = intVector.begin();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        int value =;
        std::cout << "Element: " << value << std::endl;

    // Release memory (optional)

    return 0;

Timer Class

The Timer class is a C++ class for managing time-related operations and timers. It allows you to create, start, stop, reset, and pause timers, making it useful for various timing and scheduling tasks in your Arduino projects.



To use the Timer class, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header file (Timer.h) in your C++ program.
  2. Create an instance of the Timer class.

Here's an example of how to use the Timer class:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "Timer.h"

Timer myTimer;

void setup() {
    myTimer.setTargetMinutes(5);  // Set the target time to 5 minutes
    myTimer.start();  // Start the timer

void loop() {
    if (myTimer.hasReachedTarget()) {
        Serial.println("Timer has reached the target duration.");
        // Perform actions when the timer reaches the target.
        // You can also stop or reset the timer as needed.

MyDictionary Class

MyDictionary is a custom dictionary class designed for Arduino projects. It provides a simple interface for storing and retrieving key-value pairs, where keys are strings and values are integers. This Library was renamed from DictionaryImplementation to MyDictionary.



To use MyDictionary, include the header file in your Arduino sketch and create an instance of MyDictionary.

#include "MyDictionary.h"

MyDictionary myDict;
myDict.put("key1", 100);

Retrieving a Value

int value = myDict.get("key1");
if (value != -1) {
    // Use the value

Removing a Value

if (!myDict.remove("key1")) {
    // Handle the error

Checking Dictionary Size

int size = myDict.size();

Checking if the Dictionary is Empty

bool isEmpty = myDict.isEmpty();

Error Handling

The get, put, and remove methods use return values to indicate success or failure, as throwing exceptions is not supported in the Arduino environment.

get returns -1 if the key is not found. put returns 1 as a success indicator. remove returns 0 if the key is not found and 1 as a success indicator.


MyDictionary depends on the Dictionary and UnorderedMap classes. Make sure these classes are available in your project.

Contributing Contributions to MyDictionary are welcome. Please adhere to the provided coding standards and include unit tests with your pull requests.

License Specify the license under which your code is available. Common licenses for open-source projects include MIT, GPL, and Apache 2.0.

SDList Class

SDList is a dynamic array class for Arduino, with the additional capability to persist data on an SD card. It allows you to store and retrieve elements just like a regular array but can also save its contents to an SD card and load them back when needed.



To use SDList in your Arduino project:

  1. Copy SDList.h to your project's directory.
  2. Include the SDList.h file in your sketch.


Version 1.0.0


To create an SDList, specify the data type you want to store and provide the Chip Select (CS) pin and a filename for the page file on the SD card.

#include "SDList.h"

SDList <int> myList(SDCARD, 8); // Mode is (SDCARD || MEMORY), Initial Capacity: 8

Appending Elements


Accessing Elements

int value = myList.get(0);

Inserting Elements

myList.insert(0, 100);

Checking List Size

uint16_t listSize = myList.size();



The list starts with an initial capacity, which will be doubled each time it runs out of space. Ensure the SD card is formatted correctly and that the Arduino has the necessary permissions to read from and write to the SD card.



Contributions to SDList are welcome. Please adhere to the provided coding standards and include unit tests with your pull requests.

LinkedList Class



To use LinkedList in your Arduino sketch:

  1. Copy the LinkedList class code to your project's directory.
  2. Include LinkedList.h at the top of your sketch.


To create a linked list, simply declare an instance of LinkedList with the desired type:

#include <LinkedList.h>

LinkedList<int> myList;

Adding Elements

Append an element to the end of the list:


Prepend an element to the beginning of the list:


Insert an element at a specific position:

myList.insert(2, 1);  // Insert '2' at position '1'

Accessing Elements

Retrieve an element at a specific position:

int value = myList.get(1);

Removing Elements

Remove an element by value:


Utility Functions

Check if the list contains a specific value:

if (myList.contains(2)) {
    // Element is in the list

Get the size of the list:

size_t size = myList.getSize();

Check if the list is empty:

if (myList.isEmpty()) {
    // List is empty

Clear the list:



LinkedList<int> myList;
myList.insert(3, 3);

for (size_t i = 0; i < myList.getSize(); i++) {
    Serial.print("Element at position ");
    Serial.print(": ");


UnorderedMap Class

UnorderedMap is a custom hash map implementation designed for Arduino projects that require efficient key-value pair storage. The class provides basic hash map functionalities such as insertion, retrieval, and deletion of elements.



To use UnorderedMap in your Arduino sketch:

  1. Copy the UnorderedMap.h file to your project's directory.
  2. Include UnorderedMap.h at the top of your sketch.


To create an UnorderedMap, specify the key and value data types when declaring an instance:

#include "UnorderedMap.h"

UnorderedMap<String, int> myMap;

Inserting Elements

myMap.insert("temperature", 25);

Retrieving Elements

int temperature;
if (myMap.get("temperature", temperature)) {
    // Use the temperature value

Removing Elements

if (myMap.remove("temperature")) {
    // Temperature was successfully removed

Map Size and Empty Check

size_t mapSize = myMap.getSize();

if (myMap.isEmpty()) {
    // Map is empty



#include "UnorderedMap.h"

UnorderedMap<String, int> myMap;

void setup() {
    myMap.insert("humidity", 60);
    myMap.insert("pressure", 1013);

void loop() {
    int humidity;
    if (myMap.get("humidity", humidity)) {
        Serial.print("Humidity: ");


This implementation is designed to be memory-efficient, which is critical for the constrained environment of Arduino devices. The resize method will automatically be called when the map's capacity is exceeded, doubling the map's size. Error handling for memory allocation failures is critical on Arduino, and the resize method includes a simple error message output to the serial monitor.


Contributions to UnorderedMap are welcome. Please adhere to the provided coding standards and include unit tests with your pull requests.

DoubleLinkedList Class


ArrayList Class

The ArrayList class is a C++ template class that provides an implementation of a ArrayList for easy storing of a Value of any designated type. It allows you to efficiently store and retrieve data using indexes, similar to an ArrayList in Java.


The ArrayList class is designed to offer a dynamic and scalable ArrayList with the following features:

WARNING: This Library Utilizes POINTERS *. This is due to the Libraries ability to utilize any return type. (Bool, String, int, float, etc)

Key Features

Iterator Functions

Please Note, You can use a Simple for-loop instead of the iterator. It will work the same. The iterator is only there for those who like to utilize them


To use the ArrayList class, follow these steps:

  1. Include the ArrayList.h header in your C++ program.
  2. Create an instance of the ArrayList class with specific data types for keys and values.
  3. Use the provided methods to add, retrieve, or remove values from the list.


git clone ""


If you want to Utilize this Library. Please include the

#include <ArrayList.h> 


Version 1.0.0:


Here's an example of how to use the ArrayList class:

#include <ArrayList.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
ArrayList<String> List(ArrayList<String>::DYNAMIC, 10);
ArrayList<int> myList(ArrayList<int>::FIXED, 10); // Fixed size, with a size of 10
ArrayList<bool> boolList;

int main() {

    for(int i = 0; i < 25; i ++){


    for(int i = 0; i < List.size(); i++){

    for(int i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++){

    for(int i = 0; i < boolList.size(); i++){


SimpleMutex Class


SimpleThreadManager Class


Operators Class


The ArrayListOperations library provides a comprehensive set of operations that can be performed on elements of an ArrayList. This library is designed for Arduino projects and offers a wide range of mathematical and utility functions.



#include "Operations.h"


Basic Operations

You can perform basic operations on array list elements:

int result = Operators<int>::multiply(10);  // result is 50

Mathematical Operations

Perform mathematical operations like square, cube, or roots:

int squared = Operators<int>::square(4);  // squared is 16

Conversion Functions

Convert between different number systems:

int binary = Operators<int>::decimalToBinary(5);  // binary is 101

Statistical Calculations

Calculate statistical measures:

int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int mean = Operators<int>::average(array, 5);  // mean is 3


You can modify the Operations class to include more operations as needed for your specific use case.


Feel free to fork this repository and contribute to expanding the library's functionalities.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Please make sure you use the setGlobalMultiplier before utilizing the functions that need it. Otherwise its default value is 0

Please Make sure you add items to the Internal Array before using Mathmatical functions that have no arguments, otherwise you will end up with a 0

List of Available Functions

Predicates Class

ArrayListPredicates Library for Arduino


The ArrayListPredicates library provides a comprehensive set of Predicates that can be performed on elements of an ArrayList or other list structure. This library is designed for Arduino projects and offers a wide range of mathematical and utility functions.



#include "Predicates.h"
#include "Operators.h"


Version 1.0.0


Basic Operations

You can perform basic Predicate Checks on array list elements:


    Serial.println("yay, The Number Is Divisible by the Multiplier.");

if(Predicates<int>::isDivisibleBy(5, list.getByString(i).toInt())){
    Serial.println("Yay, The Number is Divisible by the specified number");


You can modify the Predicates class to include more operations as needed for your specific use case.


Feel free to fork this repository and contribute to expanding the library's functionalities.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Please make sure you use the setGlobalMultiplier or sync() before utilizing the functions that need it. Otherwise you may get the wrong boolean value returned

Please Make sure you add items to the Internal Array before using Mathmatical functions that have no arguments, otherwise you will likely end up getting the wrong boolean value

List of Available Functions

ColorMapper Library

The ColorMapper library is designed for easy color management in Arduino and PlatformIO projects. It allows the creation, manipulation, and conversion of colors between different formats.



For Arduino

  1. Download the ColorMapper library.
  2. In the Arduino IDE, go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library and select the downloaded file.

For PlatformIO

  1. Add ColorMapper to your platformio.ini dependencies.

lib_deps = git_user/ColorMapper

  #include "ColorMapper.h"

ColorMapper colorMapper;

void setup() {

  // Adding a color
  Color myColor(128, 128, 128); // Grey color

  // Getting a color
  Color firstColor = colorMapper.getColor(0);
  Serial.print("First color RGB: ");
  Serial.print(", ");
  Serial.print(", ");

  // Converting color to Hex
  unsigned long hex = colorMapper.colorToHex(firstColor);
  Serial.print("Hex: #");
  Serial.println(hex, HEX);

void loop() {
  // Your code here

Contributing Contributions to the ColorMapper library are welcome. Please submit pull requests or open issues to discuss proposed changes.

Trees Library (Will Be Separated into separate Libraries.)

TypeTraits Library


The TypeTraits library provides a collection of template structures to facilitate type checking and type traits identification in Arduino programming. It offers a simple, compile-time mechanism to query the characteristics of types, such as whether a type is arithmetic, a character, a string, an integral type, a floating-point type, an array, a pointer, a reference, const-qualified, volatile-qualified, or whether two types are the same.

You can use it in boolean operations, Serial statements, static_asserts(), etc...



  1. Download the TypeTraits library.
  2. Place the TypeTraits.h file into your Arduino project's library folder or a location accessible by your project.
  3. Include the library in your sketch with #include <TypeTraits.h>.

Usage Example

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <TypeTraits.h>

void setup() {

    // Example usage of is_arithmetic
    Serial.println(is_arithmetic<int>::value); // Outputs: 1 (true)
    Serial.println(is_arithmetic<String>::value); // Outputs: 0 (false)
    static_assert(is_arithmetic<float>::value); // Throws compile error if condition is false; in this case the float is an 
    // arithmetic type .

    // Example usage of is_same
    Serial.println(is_same<int, int>::value); // Outputs: 1 (true)
    Serial.println(is_same<int, float>::value); // Outputs: 0 (false)

void loop() {
    // Your code here


We welcome contributions to improve the TypeTraits library. Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests.


This library is open-source and available under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more information.

AVL Tree Library for Arduino


This library provides an implementation of an AVL Tree, a self-balancing binary search tree, for use in Arduino projects. The AVL Tree maintains a balance factor for each node to ensure that the tree remains approximately balanced at all times, offering O(log n) complexity for insertion, deletion, and lookup operations.



To use this library in your Arduino project, include the AVLTree.h header file and follow the example below:

#include "AVLTree.h"

AVLTree<int> myTree;

void setup() {

  // Insert elements into the AVL Tree

  // Perform in-order traversal of the tree
  Serial.println("In-order Traversal:");

  // Find the minimum and maximum elements
  Serial.print("Minimum: ");
  Serial.print("Maximum: ");

  // Delete an element
  Serial.println("After deleting 10:");

void loop() {
  // Tree operations can be invoked here or in setup()

Implementation Details

The AVL Tree implementation automatically handles balancing through rotations during insertions and deletions, ensuring that the tree remains as balanced as possible without requiring manual intervention.



The library is templated to allow for the storage of any data type that supports comparison operations (i.e., has operator< and operator> defined). This makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, from storing simple integers to complex objects, as long as they provide the necessary comparison operators.


Contributions to the library are welcome, whether they are for bug fixes, improvements, or new features. Please follow standard coding conventions and add comments to your code to ensure readability and maintainability.


This library is released under the Apache License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Binary Search Tree Library for Arduino


This library provides a simple and efficient implementation of a Binary Search Tree (BST) for Arduino projects. BSTs are fundamental data structures that enable fast data storage, retrieval, and manipulation operations, all of which are essential in various computing applications.



To use this library in your Arduino project, include the BinarySearchTree.h header file and instantiate a BinarySearchTree object with your desired data type. The following example demonstrates basic operations such as insertion, search, and deletion:

#include "BinarySearchTree.h"

BinarySearchTree<int> bst;

void setup() {

  // Insert elements

  // Search for an element
  BinarySearchNode<int>* found =;
  if (found != NULL) {
    Serial.print("Found: ");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Element not found.");

  // Delete an element

  // Clear the BST

void loop() {
  // Placeholder for the main logic

Implementation Details

The BST is implemented using templates, allowing it to store any type of data that supports comparison operations (< and >). Each node in the BST contains the data of type T, and pointers to the left and right child nodes. The insert and deleteNode functions ensure that the BST properties are maintained.


This library can be easily customized and extended to include additional functionalities such as in-order, pre-order, and post-order traversals, or balancing operations to transform it into a self-balancing binary search tree like an AVL tree or a Red-Black tree.


Contributions to the library are welcome. If you find a bug, have a suggestion for improvement, or want to add new features, please feel free to contribute.


This library is open-sourced and licensed under the Apache License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Binary Tree Library for Arduino


The Binary Tree library for Arduino provides a comprehensive implementation for managing binary trees. Binary trees are a fundamental data structure in computer science, used in various applications such as sorting, data storage, and more. This library enables the creation, manipulation, and traversal of binary trees directly on your Arduino projects.

Key Features


To utilize the BinaryTree library in your project, include the BinaryTree.h header and instantiate a BinaryTree object. Here's a basic example demonstrating some of the library's functionalities:

#include "BinaryTree.h"

BinaryTree<int> myTree;

void setup() {

  // Insert data into the binary tree

  // Perform an in-order traversal
  Serial.println("In-order Traversal:");

  // Find the maximum value in the binary tree
  Serial.print("Maximum Value: ");

  // Mirror the binary tree

  // Perform a level-order traversal on the mirrored tree
  Serial.println("Level-order Traversal of Mirrored Tree:");

void loop() {
  // Placeholder for loop logic

Customization and Extension

The library is templated, allowing it to work with any data type that supports comparison operators. You can extend the library to include additional tree operations as needed, such as balancing the tree or implementing specific traversal algorithms.


Contributions are welcome! If you have improvements or bug fixes, please feel free to contribute to the library. Your input is valuable in making this library more robust and feature-rich.


This library is released under an Apache license.

B Plus Tree Library for Arduino


The B+ Tree library for Arduino offers an efficient implementation of the B+ tree data structure, catering to applications that require a balanced tree for rapid data retrieval, insertion, and deletion. B+ trees are especially useful for database and filesystem implementations due to their ability to maintain sorted data and support efficient range queries.

Key Features


To use the B+ Tree library, include the B_PLUS_TREE.h header in your Arduino sketch and instantiate a BPlusTree object with the desired minimum degree.

Here is a simple example that demonstrates how to create a B+ Tree, insert keys, and perform a search:

#include "B_PLUS_TREE.h"

// Initialize a B+ tree with a minimum degree of 3
BPlusTree<int> myTree(3);

void setup() {

  // Insert keys into the B+ tree

  // Search for a key in the B+ tree
  BPlusTreeNode<int>* found =, 20);
  if (found != nullptr) {
    Serial.println("Key found!");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Key not found.");

void loop() {
  // Placeholder for loop logic


The library can be customized for different data types and applications. You can adjust the minimum degree based on your dataset size and access patterns to optimize performance.


Contributions to the library are welcome, whether it's through adding new features, improving existing ones, or fixing bugs. Your efforts will help enhance the library's functionality and utility for the Arduino community.


This library is provided under an open-source license. You are free to use, modify, and distribute it in your projects, provided that you comply with the license terms.

BTree Library for Arduino


This BTree library for Arduino provides an implementation of the B-Tree data structure, offering efficient mechanisms for storing, searching, and navigating through a large set of ordered data. B-Trees are widely used in databases and file systems to allow for quick data retrieval, insertions, and deletions while maintaining a balanced tree structure.

Key Features


To utilize the BTree library, include BTREE_H in your Arduino project and instantiate a BTree object specifying the minimum degree for the tree.

Example Usage

Below is a simple example demonstrating how to create a B-Tree, insert elements, and perform a search operation:

#include "BTree"

// Define the minimum degree for the B-Tree
const int t = 3;

// Initialize a B-Tree with integers and a minimum degree of t
BTree<int> myBTree(t);

void setup() {

  // Insert elements into the B-Tree

  // Search for an element in the B-Tree
  BTreeNode<int>* result =;
  if (result != nullptr) {
    Serial.println("Element found in the B-Tree.");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Element not found in the B-Tree.");

void loop() {
  // Placeholder for loop() method


Adjust the minimum degree (t) of the B-Tree according to your dataset's size and your application's specific requirements to optimize performance.


We welcome contributions to the BTree library. Whether it's adding new features, optimizing existing ones, or fixing bugs, your input helps improve the library for the Arduino community.


This library is made available under an Apache.

Fenwick Tree Library for Arduino


The Fenwick Tree, also known as a Binary Indexed Tree (BIT), offers an efficient way to update elements and calculate prefix sums in a table of numbers. This Arduino-compatible Fenwick Tree library enables easy manipulation of sequences of numbers, providing a powerful tool for handling cumulative frequency tables and range sum queries in embedded projects.

Key Features


To use the Fenwick Tree library, include FENWICKTREE_H in your Arduino project. The library requires SimpleVector.h for dynamic array management and TypeTraits.h for type checking.

Example Usage

Below is a simple example that demonstrates how to initialize a Fenwick Tree, perform updates, and query sums:

#include "FENWICKTREE_H"

// Initialize a Fenwick Tree with a size of 10
FenwickTree<int> ft(10);

void setup() {

  // Perform updates on the Fenwick Tree
  ft.add(0, 5); // Add 5 to index 0
  ft.add(1, 3); // Add 3 to index 1
  ft.range_update(2, 4, 2); // Add 2 to the range [2, 4]

  // Query the sum of the first 5 elements
  int sumFirstFive = ft.sum(0, 4);
  Serial.print("Sum of first 5 elements: ");

  // Query a single point
  int pointQuery = ft.point_query(3);
  Serial.print("Value at index 3: ");

void loop() {
  // Loop code here (if necessary)


The FenwickTree class template can be instantiated with any numeric type (int, long, float, etc.), allowing for flexibility based on the requirements of your application.


Contributions to the Fenwick Tree library are welcome. Enhancements, bug fixes, or documentation improvements will help make the library more useful for the Arduino community.


This library is distributed under an open-source license, allowing for modification, distribution, and use in both personal and commercial projects.

Heap Tree Library for Arduino


The Heap Tree library for Arduino provides an efficient implementation of a binary heap data structure, offering fast insertions, and extraction of the maximum (or minimum) element. This library is tailored for Arduino projects that require priority queue functionality, sorting, or managing a dynamically changing dataset with quick access to the highest or lowest element.

Key Features


To use the Heap Tree library, include HEAP_TREE_h in your Arduino sketch. Ensure you have adequate memory available on your Arduino device, as dynamic memory allocation is used.

Example Usage

Here's a simple example demonstrating how to use the Heap Tree library to manage integers:

#include "HEAP_TREE_h"

HeapTree<int> heap;

void setup() {

  // Insert elements into the heap

  // Print the heap

  // Extract the maximum element
  int max = heap.extractMax();
  Serial.print("Extracted Max: ");

  // Print the heap after extraction

void loop() {
  // Your loop code here


The HeapTree class template can be instantiated with any data type that supports comparison operations (<, >). This allows it to be used with custom data types, provided they have the necessary comparison operators defined.


Contributions to the Heap Tree library are welcome. Whether it's adding new features, fixing bugs, or improving documentation, your help is appreciated to make this library more useful for the Arduino community.


This library is distributed under an open-source license, allowing for modification, distribution, and use in both personal and commercial projects.

Initializer List Library for Arduino


The Initializer List library provides a minimal and efficient implementation of initializer lists for Arduino, similar to the C++11 feature. It allows Arduino developers to initialize objects and arrays in a clean and concise way, improving code readability and maintainability.

Key Features

Standard-Compatible Types: Offers types such as value_type, reference, const_reference, size_type, iterator, and const_iterator for compatibility with standard C++ initializer list behavior. Size and Iteration: Supports querying the size of the initializer list and provides iterator access to its elements, enabling range-based for loops and standard iteration patterns. No Dynamic Memory: Operates without dynamic memory allocation, ensuring predictability and efficiency, crucial for memory-constrained environments like Arduino.


This library is intended to be used where fixed-size, compile-time initializer lists are beneficial, such as static configuration data, pin mappings, or predefined sequences of values.

Example Usage

Here's an example demonstrating how to use the initializer_list library to initialize and process a list of integers:


void processList(const initializer_list<int>& list) {
  for (auto item : list) {

void setup() {
  // Wait for the serial monitor to open
  while (!Serial) {}

  // Initialize a list of integers using initializer_list
  initializer_list<int> myList = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

  // Process and print the list

void loop() {
  // Your loop code here


The initializer_list template can be instantiated with any type, allowing it to be used with a wide range of data types beyond primitives, including custom classes and structures, provided they are copyable.


Contributions to enhance the functionality, extend the usage scenarios, or improve the documentation of the Initializer List library are welcome. Your input can help make this library a valuable resource for the Arduino community.


This library is provided under an open-source license, permitting modification, distribution, and use in both personal and commercial projects, in line with the spirit of Arduino and its community of makers and developers.

Interval Tree Library for Arduino


The Interval Tree library for Arduino offers an efficient way to store intervals and perform fast search operations to find overlapping intervals. This library is particularly useful in applications requiring management of multiple time intervals or ranges, such as scheduling tasks, managing resources, or collision detection in spatial data.




Before using the Interval Tree library, include it in your Arduino sketch:

#include "INTERVAL_TREE_h"

Creating an Interval Tree

Instantiate an Interval Tree object with the desired type for the interval boundaries:

IntervalTree<int> myTree;

Inserting Intervals

Insert intervals into the tree using the insert() method:

Interval<int> myInterval = {low: 10, high: 20};

Searching for Overlapping Intervals

Search for any interval overlapping with a given interval using the search() method:

Interval<int> searchInterval = {low: 15, high: 25};
IntervalTreeNode<int>* result =;
if (result != nullptr) {
    Serial.println("Overlap found.");

Deleting Intervals

Delete an interval from the tree using the deleteNode() method:


Traversing the Tree

Perform an inorder traversal of the tree:

myTree.inorder(); // This will print the intervals in sorted order


void setup() {
  IntervalTree<int> tree;
  tree.insert({5, 10});
  tree.insert({15, 20});
  tree.insert({25, 30});
  tree.insert({10, 15}); // Overlaps with {5, 10} and {15, 20}

  Serial.println("Inorder traversal of the Interval Tree:");

  Interval<int> searchInt = {14, 16};
  auto result =;
  if (result != nullptr) {
    Serial.print("An overlapping interval for ");
    Serial.print("[" + String(searchInt.low) + ", " + String(searchInt.high) + "] ");
    Serial.println("was found.");
  } else {
    Serial.println("No overlapping interval found.");

void loop() {
  // Put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Contributions to the Interval Tree library are welcome. Whether it's extending functionality, improving efficiency, or enhancing documentation, your input can help make this library more useful for the Arduino community.


This library is released under an open-source license, allowing for modification, distribution, and use in both personal and commercial projects.

K-Dimensional Tree Library for Arduino


The K-Dimensional Tree (KD-Tree) library for Arduino provides a powerful tool for organizing points in a k-dimensional space. This data structure facilitates efficient search operations, such as nearest neighbor search and range search, making it ideal for applications in robotics, spatial indexing, and more.

Key Features



First, include the library and create a KD-Tree instance specifying the dimension.

KDimensionalTree<float> kdTree(3); // For a 3-dimensional space

Inserting Points

Insert points into the KD-Tree. Points are represented as SimpleVector objects.

SimpleVector<float> point1 = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};

Searching for a Nearest Neighbor

Find the nearest neighbor of a given point.

SimpleVector<float> searchPoint = {1.1, 2.1, 3.1};
SimpleVector<float> nearestNeighbor = kdTree.nearestNeighbor(searchPoint);

Range Search

Find all points within a specified range.

SimpleVector<float> lowerBound = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
SimpleVector<float> upperBound = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0};
SimpleVector<SimpleVector<float>> pointsInRange = kdTree.rangeSearch(lowerBound, upperBound);

Removing Points

Remove a point from the KD-Tree.


Clearing the Tree

Remove all points from the KD-Tree.


Example Sketch

void setup() {

    KDimensionalTree<float> kdTree(2); // 2D space
    kdTree.insert({1.0, 2.0});
    kdTree.insert({3.0, 4.0});
    kdTree.insert({5.0, 6.0});

    SimpleVector<float> searchPoint = {3.1, 4.1};
    SimpleVector<float> nearest = kdTree.nearestNeighbor(searchPoint);

    Serial.print("Nearest neighbor to (3.1, 4.1): (");
    Serial.print(", ");

    // Range search
    SimpleVector<float> lower = {2.0, 3.0};
    SimpleVector<float> upper = {4.0, 5.0};
    auto pointsInRange = kdTree.rangeSearch(lower, upper);
    Serial.println("Points in range:");
    for (auto& p : pointsInRange) {
        Serial.print(", ");

void loop() {
    // Put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Contributions to the KD-Tree library are welcome. Whether it's optimizing the implementation, adding new features, or improving the documentation, your input can help make this library more useful for the Arduino community.


This library is released under an open-source license, allowing for modification, distribution, and use in both personal and commercial projects.

MathLib for Arduino


MathLib is a comprehensive mathematical library designed for the Arduino platform. It offers a wide range of mathematical functions, from basic arithmetic operations to more complex trigonometric and hyperbolic calculations. This library aims to enhance the mathematical capabilities of Arduino projects without the need for external dependencies.



To use the MathLib, include the library in your Arduino sketch and call any of the available functions:

#include "MATHLIB.h"

void setup() {

  // Using trigonometric functions
  double sineValue = Sin(30); // Calculate sine of 30 degrees
  double cosineValue = Cos(45); // Calculate cosine of 45 degrees

  // Using logarithmic functions
  double logValue = Log(10); // Natural log of 10
  double log10Value = Log10(100); // Log base 10 of 100

  // Using power functions
  double powerValue = Power(2, 8); // 2 raised to the power of 8

  // Print results
  Serial.println("Sine(30): " + String(sineValue));
  Serial.println("Cos(45): " + String(cosineValue));
  Serial.println("Log(10): " + String(logValue));
  Serial.println("Log10(100): " + String(log10Value));
  Serial.println("Power(2, 8): " + String(powerValue));

void loop() {
  // Your main code here, to run repeatedly:



MathLib is open for contributions. Enhancements, optimizations, or additions to the library are welcome to make it more versatile and efficient.


MathLib is released under an open-source license, allowing free use, modification, and distribution of the library in both personal and commercial projects.

MatrixMath Library for Arduino


MatrixMath is a versatile library designed for handling matrices on the Arduino platform. It enables users to perform a wide range of matrix operations essential for applications in robotics, signal processing, and linear algebra.



To use the MatrixMath library in your project, include it at the beginning of your Arduino sketch:

#include "MatrixMath.h"

Example: Matrix Addition

MatrixMath matrix1(2, 2);
MatrixMath matrix2(2, 2);

void setup() {

  // Initialize matrices
  matrix1.set(0, 0, 1); matrix1.set(0, 1, 2);
  matrix1.set(1, 0, 3); matrix1.set(1, 1, 4);

  matrix2.set(0, 0, 5); matrix2.set(0, 1, 6);
  matrix2.set(1, 0, 7); matrix2.set(1, 1, 8);

  // Perform matrix addition

  // Print the result

void loop() {
  // Your loop code here

Example: Matrix Scaling

void scaleMatrix() {
  MatrixMath matrix(2, 2);
  matrix.set(0, 0, 1); matrix.set(0, 1, 2);
  matrix.set(1, 0, 3); matrix.set(1, 1, 4);

  // Scale the matrix by a factor of 2

  // Print the scaled matrix


Contributions to the MatrixMath library are welcome. Whether it's adding new features, improving existing ones, or fixing bugs, your help can make MatrixMath more powerful and user-friendly.


MatrixMath is released under an open-source license. Feel free to use it, modify it, and distribute it in your projects as you see fit.

Map Library for Arduino


The Map library provides a simple and efficient way to store and manage key-value pairs in Arduino projects. It's designed to offer easy insertion, removal, and search operations, making it suitable for various applications where associative arrays or dictionaries are needed.



To use the Map library in your Arduino sketch, include it at the beginning of your code:

#include "Map.h"

Example: Storing and Retrieving Data

Map<String, int> ageMap;

void setup() {

  // Inserting data into the map
  ageMap.insert("Alice", 30);
  ageMap.insert("Bob", 25);
  ageMap.put("Charlie", 35);

  // Retrieving and printing a value
  Serial.print("Alice's age: ");

  // Checking if a key exists
  if (ageMap.containsKey("Bob")) {
    Serial.println("Bob is in the map.");

  // Removing a key-value pair

  // Printing all key-value pairs

void loop() {
  // Loop code here

Iteration Example

You can iterate over the map using the provided iterator class:

for (auto it = ageMap.begin(); it != ageMap.end(); ++it) {
  Serial.print(it->first); // Access the key
  Serial.print(": ");
  Serial.println(it->second); // Access the value


Contributions to the Map library are welcome. Whether you're fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving the documentation, your help will enhance this library for the Arduino community.


The Map library is open-source and freely available for personal and commercial use under the terms of the license provided with the library source.

Numeric Limits Library for Arduino


The Numeric Limits library provides a way to determine the properties and limits of arithmetic types in the Arduino environment. It covers a range of types including integers, floating-point numbers, and bytes, offering functionality similar to std::numeric_limits from the C++ Standard Library but tailored for Arduino's constraints and types.



To use the Numeric Limits library in your Arduino sketch, include it at the beginning of your code:

#include "Numeric_Limits.h"


Getting Integer Limits

int intMin = numeric_limits<int>::Min();
int intMax = numeric_limits<int>::Max();
Serial.print("Int Min: ");
Serial.print("Int Max: ");

Floating-Point Limits

float floatMin = numeric_limits<float>::Min();
float floatMax = numeric_limits<float>::Max();
Serial.print("Float Min: ");
Serial.println(floatMin, 10); // '10' specifies the number of digits after the decimal point
Serial.print("Float Max: ");
Serial.println(floatMax, 10);

Checking Type Properties

bool isIntSigned = numeric_limits<int>::is_signed();
Serial.print("Is Int Signed: ");
Serial.println(isIntSigned ? "Yes" : "No");

Supported Types

The library provides implementations for the following types:

Note: On Arduino, double is often equivalent to float, reflected in their shared limits.


Contributions to the Numeric Limits library are welcome. Whether it's through adding support for additional types, enhancing the existing functionality, or improving compatibility across various Arduino platforms, your contributions are valuable to the Arduino community.


This library is open-source and can be freely used and modified in both personal and commercial projects under the terms specified in the license accompanying the library source.

Octree Library for Arduino


The Octree library offers a spatial partitioning structure for efficient querying of 3D space, optimized for Arduino environments. It allows for storing and manipulating data in a three-dimensional space, using a tree structure where each node has exactly eight children. This library is particularly useful for applications involving 3D graphics, spatial analysis, collision detection, and point cloud management.



To use the Octree library, include it at the top of your Arduino sketch:

#include "Octree.h"

Creating an Octree

Instantiate an Octree object specifying the type of data it will hold:

Octree<float> myOctree;

Inserting Data

Insert data into the octree. The data should be of the type specified during the octree's instantiation:



Perform a search to find if a specific value exists within the octree:

bool found =;
Serial.println(found ? "Found" : "Not Found");

Range Search

Query all points within a specified 3D range:

SimpleVector<float> results = myOctree.rangeSearch(x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2);

Nearest Neighbor

Find the nearest neighbor to a given point in 3D space:

float nearest = myOctree.nearestNeighbor(data);


Traverse the octree in various orders to process or retrieve the stored data:

SimpleVector<float> inOrderResults = myOctree.inOrderTraversal();

Memory Management

The library includes mechanisms to manage memory efficiently, reusing nodes from a preallocated pool to avoid dynamic memory allocation during runtime. This is crucial for the limited memory environment of Arduino devices.

Application Scenarios

Recommended for Microprocessors/MicroControllers with more memory capablility

Extending the Library

The Octree library is designed to be extensible. Users can add more features such as balancing the tree, supporting dynamic resizing, and enhancing search capabilities.


This library is open-source and can be used and modified according to the terms specified in the license accompanying the library source. Contributions and improvements from the community are welcome.

QuadTree Library for Arduino


The QuadTree library is a specialized data structure for Arduino projects that need efficient querying of two-dimensional space. It's well-suited for applications requiring spatial partitioning and indexing, such as graphics rendering, collision detection, and geographic data management.



To utilize the QuadTree library, include it at the beginning of your Arduino sketch:

#include "QuadTree.h"


Create a QuadTree object by specifying the boundary and capacity:

Rectangle<float> boundary = {{0, 0}, {100, 100}};
int capacity = 4;
QuadTree<float> quadTree(boundary, capacity);

Inserting Points

Add points to the QuadTree with the insert method:

Point<float> point = {25.0, 75.0};

Querying Regions

Retrieve points within a specific region by defining a query rectangle:

Rectangle<float> queryRect = {{10, 10}, {50, 50}};
SimpleVector<Point<float>> foundPoints = quadTree.query(queryRect);

Deleting Points

Remove a point from the QuadTree, if necessary:


Clearing the QuadTree

Reset the QuadTree, removing all points:


Additional Operations

The library supports additional operations like checking if a point is within the QuadTree's boundary, moving points within the tree, and printing the tree structure for debugging purposes.


Extending the Library

While the QuadTree library provides a solid foundation for 2D spatial partitioning, it can be extended with features like balancing the tree, supporting more complex shapes, and optimizing memory usage for large datasets.


This library is provided under an open-source license, allowing for modification and redistribution in both personal and commercial projects. Check the license details for specific terms and conditions.

Queue Library for Arduino


The Queue library provides a generic, dynamic queue implementation in C++ tailored for use in Arduino projects. It's designed to manage a collection of elements in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) manner. Ideal for tasks requiring a sequential processing order, such as event handling or task scheduling.



To use the Queue library, include it at the beginning of your Arduino sketch:

#include "Queue.h"


Create a Queue object specifying the data type of the elements it will hold:

Queue<int> myQueue;

Adding Elements

Add elements to the queue using the enqueue method:


Removing Elements

Remove the element at the front of the queue with dequeue:

int frontElement = myQueue.dequeue();

Viewing the Front Element

Access the element at the front without removing it using peek:

int peekElement = myQueue.peek();

Checking Queue Status

Determine if the queue is empty or full:

bool isEmpty = myQueue.isEmpty();
bool isFull = myQueue.isFull();

Clearing the Queue

Remove all elements from the queue:


Printing Queue Elements

For debugging purposes, print all elements in the queue:


Counting Elements

Retrieve the number of elements in the queue:

size_t elementCount = myQueue.count();


The Queue library is versatile for a wide range of applications, including but not limited to:


The Queue library is open-source and can be freely used and modified. It's recommended to check the specific license details for usage in both personal and commercial projects.

Red-Black Tree Library for Arduino


The Red-Black Tree library provides a balanced binary search tree implementation, ensuring O(log n) time complexity for insertions, deletions, and lookups. It is particularly well-suited for datasets that undergo frequent modifications, as it maintains balance through tree rotations and color flips.

Key Features


To use the Red-Black Tree library in your Arduino project, include it at the beginning of your sketch:

#include "RedBlackTree.h"

Creating a Tree

Instantiate a Red-Black Tree object specifying the data type:

RedBlackTree<int> tree;

Inserting Elements

Add elements to the tree using the insert method:


Deleting Elements

Remove elements from the tree with deleteNode:


Searching for Elements

Search for an element in the tree:

RedBlackNode<int>* node =;
if (node != NULL) {
} else {
    Serial.println("Not found");


Perform different tree traversals:

// In-order traversal

// Pre-order traversal

// Post-order traversal

Clearing the Tree

Remove all elements from the tree:



Red-Black Trees are useful in many scenarios where a balanced search tree is required, such as:


While the library is designed to be generic and broadly applicable, specific use cases might require adjustments, such as custom comparison functions for complex data types. Modify the library source to accommodate such needs.


This library is released for public use. Depending on the project's specifics, ensure compliance with the licensing terms if included in both open-source and proprietary projects.

R-Tree Library for Arduino


The R-Tree library for Arduino provides a spatial index structure for efficiently organizing and querying geometric data, such as rectangles or spatial objects. It's particularly useful for applications requiring spatial searches, like collision detection, viewport queries, or geographic information systems.



To use the R-Tree library in your Arduino project, include it at the beginning of your sketch:

#include "RTree.h"

Creating an R-Tree

Instantiate an R-Tree object specifying the data type:

RTree<int> tree;

Inserting Data

Insert rectangles into the tree:

Rectangle<int> rect1 = {0, 0, 10, 10};
Rectangle<int> rect2 = {5, 5, 15, 15};

Removing Data

Remove a rectangle from the tree:



Search for a rectangle in the tree (example function, actual search implementation might vary based on specific needs):

Rectangle<int> searchRect = {1, 1, 9, 9};
bool found =;
if (found) {
    Serial.println("Rectangle found.");
} else {
    Serial.println("Rectangle not found.");

Clearing the Tree

Remove all elements from the tree:


Traversal and Printing

Print the tree contents in different traversal orders:



R-Trees are ideal for a wide range of applications that require spatial data indexing and queries, including:


While the R-Tree library is designed to be generic, specific applications might require customization, such as supporting different geometric shapes, optimizing for specific query patterns, or enhancing memory management strategies.


This library is provided for public use. Depending on the project's requirements, ensure to comply with the licensing terms if used within both open-source and proprietary projects.

Segment Tree Library for Arduino


The Segment Tree library for Arduino provides a versatile data structure for efficient querying and updating of array segments. It's particularly useful for scenarios requiring frequent updates and queries over a range, such as finding the sum, minimum, or maximum in a segment of an array.



To use the Segment Tree library in your Arduino project, include it at the beginning of your sketch:

#include "SegmentTree.h"

Creating a Segment Tree

Instantiate a Segment Tree object using an array (or SimpleVector) of numeric values:

SimpleVector<int> arr = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11};
SegmentTree<int> segTree(arr);

Performing Range Queries

Compute the sum, minimum, or maximum within a specified range of the array:

int sum = segTree.getSum(1, 3); // Gets the sum of elements from index 1 to 3
int min = segTree.getMin(1, 4); // Gets the minimum value from index 1 to 4
int max = segTree.getMax(2, 5); // Gets the maximum value from index 2 to 5

Updating Values

Update a single value or a range of values in the array:

segTree.updateValue(arr, 2, 10); // Updates the value at index 2 to 10
segTree.updateRange(1, 4, 5); // Adds 5 to each element from index 1 to 4

Clearing and Rebuilding

To clear or rebuild the tree after significant changes:

segTree.clear(); // Clears the segment tree, 0, arr.size() - 1, 0); // Rebuilds the tree with the current array


Segment Trees are versatile and can be used in various applications including:


The library is template-based, allowing for customization with different numeric types (int, float, long, etc.). Users can extend its functionality by implementing additional query and update methods based on specific needs.


Ensure compliance with the library's licensing terms if used within both open-source and proprietary projects.

Stack Library for Arduino


The Stack library for Arduino provides a classic stack data structure implementation, enabling efficient Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) operations. It's suitable for a wide range of applications, from managing function calls to parsing expressions and beyond.



To utilize the Stack library in your Arduino sketches, include it at the top of your source file:

#include "Stack.h"

Instantiating a Stack

Create a stack object capable of holding elements of any specified type:

Stack<int> myStack;

Pushing Elements

Add elements to the stack using the push method:


Popping Elements

Remove and retrieve the top element from the stack with pop:

int element = myStack.pop();

Peeking at the Top Element

Access the top element without removing it using peek:

int topElement = myStack.peek();

Checking Stack Status

Determine if the stack is empty or full:

bool empty = myStack.isEmpty();
bool full = myStack.isFull();

Counting Elements

Get the number of elements in the stack:

uint16_t count = myStack.count();

Clearing the Stack

Reset all elements in the stack to their default value:


Printing Stack Contents

For debugging purposes, print the contents of the stack:



Stacks are fundamental in many areas of computer science and programming, including:


Please adhere to the licensing terms of the library when incorporating it into your projects, whether open-source or proprietary.

Suffix Tree Library for Arduino


The Suffix Tree library provides an efficient data structure for quick pattern matching and substring operations within a given text. It's particularly useful in applications involving text analysis, such as finding the longest repeated substring, pattern searching, and more.



To use the Suffix Tree library in your Arduino project, include it at the beginning of your sketch:

#include "SuffixTree.h"

Creating a Suffix Tree

Instantiate a Suffix Tree with a given text:

String myText = "banana";
SuffixTree mySuffixTree(myText);

Searching for a Pattern

Check if a pattern exists within the text:

bool found = mySuffixTree.patternSearch("ana");
Serial.println(found ? "Pattern found" : "Pattern not found");

Finding the Longest Repeated Substring

Get the longest repeated substring in the text:


Longest Common Substring

To find the longest common substring between the original text and another string:

String otherText = "panama";
String lcs = mySuffixTree.longestCommonSubstring(otherText);
Serial.println("Longest Common Substring: " + lcs);

Palindrome Detection

Detect the longest palindrome within the text:

String palindrome = mySuffixTree.longestPalindrome();
Serial.println("Longest Palindrome: " + palindrome);




Ensure to comply with the library's licensing terms when integrating it into your projects, respecting open-source contributions and proprietary restrictions where applicable.

Trie Tree Library for Arduino


The Trie Tree library is a specialized data structure for handling a dynamic set or associative array where the keys are strings. It excels in solving problems related to word validations, auto-completion, and prefix searching, making it ideal for applications that deal with large datasets of words or characters, such as dictionaries, word games, or text processing tools.



To use the Trie Tree library in your Arduino project, include it at the beginning of your sketch:

#include "TrieTree.h"

Creating a Trie Tree

Instantiate a Trie Tree object:

TrieTree myTrie;

Inserting Words

Add words to the trie:


Searching for Words

Check if a word exists in the trie:

if("hello")) {
    Serial.println("Found 'hello'");

Prefix Search

Verify if any word in the trie starts with a given prefix:

if(myTrie.startsWith("he")) {
    Serial.println("Prefix 'he' found");

Printing All Words

Display all words stored in the trie:



Suggest words based on a prefix:

SimpleVector<String> suggestions = myTrie.autoComplete("wo");
for(String word : suggestions) {



The library can be extended or customized to include more complex functionalities such as handling different languages, case sensitivity options, or integrating with external storage for handling extremely large datasets.


Make sure to comply with the library's license and respect the contributions of the open-source community when incorporating it into your projects.