brechtvdv / third-party-payment-maas-specification

Specification for third party payments between local government and MaaS/mobility providers
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Third party support for Mobility as a Service Specification

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The Third party support for MaaS Specification (TMS), started from the City of Things VLAIO call with the MODI project, is a specification for facilitating mobility discounts between local governments and citizens, through MaaS providers. Inspired by projects like the Mobility Data Specifications (MDS) and Local Decisions as Linked Open Data (LBLOD), this specification provides a standardized way for local governements to express subsidy measurements for certain trips in a machine-readable format, and for MaaS providers to describe trips and validate these with the subsidy measurements in an automated fashion. Also, TMS provides templates for regulating mobility providers and for setting up a payment system between local government and MaaS providers.

TMS is currently comprised of four distinct components:

Derdebetalersregeling voor Mobiliteit als een Dienst Specificatie

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