bredelings / MCON

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This repo contains the specification for the Monte Carlo Object Notation (MCON) format. MCON is intended to be an inter-operable file format for saving MCMC samples and associated meta-data. It is based on JSON Lines (

MCON and attempts to overcome limitations of formats like CSV or TSV that have a fixed number of columns. In MCON:

MCON is also designed to allow conversion to and from CSV or TSV. Fields that do not have a fixed structure are dropped in the conversion to CSV or TSV.


See the full specification.



{"fields": ["iter"], "nested": false, "format": "MCON", "version": "0.1"}
{"iter": 10, "x": [1.1, 2.2, 3.3], "pi": {"A":0.3, "T":0.7}, "y": [1,2]}
{"iter": 20, "x": [1.2, 2.3, 3.1], "pi": {"A":0.4, "T":0.6}, "y": [3]}


./mcon-tool examples/E1.json -O tsv               # MCON -> TSV (short names)
./mcon-tool examples/E1.tsv                       # TSV -> MCON
./mcon-tool examples/E1.tsv | ./mcon-tool -O tsv  # TSV -> MCON -> TSV
./mcon-tool examples/E3.json -O tsv               # Drops y as having variable structure.
./mcon-tool examples/E5.json -O tsv               # Drops y, pi, and z[2] as varying.


Transformations to flatten names and values:

./mcon-tool examples/E1.json --unnest
./mcon-tool examples/E1.json --atomize
./mcon-tool examples/E1.json --unnest --atomize
./mcon-tool examples/E1.json --unnest --atomize -O tsv  # MCON -> TSV (long names)