breinhart / Lua-In-Xcode

A shell script and xclanspec to add Lua syntax support in Xcode
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Lua Support for Xcode 4+

  1. download the two files (, Lua.xclangspec)
  2. Open and change the DVTFOUNDATION_PATH if necessary. You probably do not need to change this if you are on Xcode 4.3+.
  3. Make sure Xcode is closed
  4. Run from the terminal with sudo (I.E. sudo
  5. Enter your admin password and hit enter
  6. Open Xcode and notice the 'Lua' entry under "Editor->Syntax Coloring"

Lua Support for Xcode Betas

If you are running a beta version of Xcode, you need to pass the --beta flag. For example:

sudo ./ --beta

Special thanks to araxara for the Objective-J version of this code.