brendoau / Budgee

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Budgee 🦜

Budgee has been built so that Brendan and Sarah don't have to spend time worrying about their finances.

The reason I made this is because over the years, I've used many financial apps, tools, websites etc to manage and plan my finances. None of them worked for me.

Yes, I could use an Excel spreadsheet. Buts its 2021! Yes, I could spend >$50/month on financial software SaaS applications like Xero, MYOB. But do I really need all the functionality they provide? No. Does they actually work specifically for me? No.

It's time to build something that automates my financial life, something that is scalable, something that integrates with all my financial accounts (banks, super, insurance, bills, invesmtent portfolios, crytpo accounts etc).

The goal is to be able to spend more time with my kids, my family, whilst being able to look at a dashboard when I'm walking down the hallway of my house, look at a monitor that is secured to my face, and see that everything is green and in check!


Health Pillar

The Health pillar will provide functionality for

Tech Stack





Firebase Project Creation

We will be using a Firebase project to manage most of the Budgee backend ie database, hosting, functions, storage etc.


Step 1: Create a Firebase project

  1. In the Firebase console, click Add project, then select or enter a Project name. Click Continue.

  2. Disable Google Analytics. Click Create Project.

  3. The project will be created. Click Continue once it has been created.

  4. You will then be taken to the Firebase console project overview page. Project creation is complete.

Step 2: Register the Budgee web app with Firebase

  1. In the center of the Firebase console's project overview page, click the Web icon </> to launch the setup workflow.

  2. Enter your app's nickname. In this case, budgee. This nickname is an internal, convenience identifier and is only visible to you in the Firebase console.

    We will not setup Hosting yet. We will do this later.

  3. Click Register app.

Step 3: Add Firebase SDKs and initialize Firebase

There are a few ways to add the Firebase Web SDKs to your web app (CDN, npm, hosting URLs etc). We will use yarn.

  1. Copy the Firebase configuration values from the Firebase console. You will need these in the next steps. Click Continue to console.

  2. Install the Firebase SDK via yarn yarn add firebase

  3. Using the config values you copied in the previous step, you can initialize your Firebase application. This is done within firebase.js

    Firebase and React are now connected

Firebase Storage Setup

We will be using Firebase storage to store uploaded files and documents into Budgee, as a landing area for subsequent upload on contained data into Firebase Firestore database.

For example, a monthly bank statement csv may be uploaded to Budgee. It will land in Firebase Storage in the first instance for futher processing.

Step 1: Create a default Cloud Storage bucket

  1. From the navigation pane of the Firebase console select Storage, then click Get started.

  2. Review the messaging about securing your Cloud Storage data using security rules. For now, we will leave the defaults. Click Done.

  3. Select australia-southeast1 as the location for your default Cloud Storage bucket. Click Done.

Step 2: Configure Firebase Storage

  1. run firebase init and choose to configure cloud storage

Firebase Functions Setup

We will be using Firebase functions to response to various events in the application.

For example, we run a cloud function to extract data from uploaded files (in Firebase Storage) and insert data records into Firebase Firestore.

Step 1: Set up Cloud Functions

Install the Firebase CLI

npm install -g firebase-tools

The following wizards informs you on how to create functions. We will click through these, but wont run the commands mentioned, just yet...

Initialize your project

  1. Run firebase login

  2. Navigate to a new directory that will contain your firebase function code (e.g budgee/)

  3. Run firebase init functions

  4. Run npm install in the /functions directory.

  5. To use Functions you will need to upgrade your project's billing plan

Step 2: Write functions

Write JavaScript code (or TypeScript code to transpile at deployment) to handle events from Firebase services, Google Cloud services, or other event providers.

We will inevitably follow the process to write functions that respond to Cloud Storage triggers. However to get started, we will use the the sample helloWorld function that was created during firebase init functions.

Uncomment the helloWorld function

Step 3: Test functions

Use the local emulator to test your functions.

More info here and here

  1. Run firebase init emulators

  2. Run firebase emulators:start and check the output for the URL of the Emulator Suite UI. It defaults to localhost:4000, but may be hosted on a different port on your machine. Enter that URL in your browser to open the Emulator Suite UI.

  3. Test the helloWorld function by browsing to the URL listed after firebase emulator starts up. You will also be able to check the Functions Emulator logs.

Step 4: Deploy and monitor

Enable billing for your project and deploy your functions using the Firebase CLI. You can use the Firebase console to view and search through your logs.

Once your functions are working as desired in the emulator, you can proceed to deploying, testing, and running them in the production environment.

  1. Run this command to deploy your functions

firebase deploy --only functions

After you run this command, the Firebase CLI outputs the URL for any HTTP function endpoints. In your terminal, you should see a line like the following:

After deploying, you will see your function in the Firebase console

You can execute your function

You can also view logs in the Firebase console for Cloud Functions.

If you need to delete functions in development or production, use the Firebase CLI.

Firebase Firestore Setup

We will be using Firebase Firestore as our database.

Step 1: Create a Cloud Firestore database

  1. Navigate to the Cloud Firestore section of the Firebase console. You'll be prompted to select an existing Firebase project. Follow the database creation workflow.